

UPDATED: Traffic moving again on Highway 3A north of Creston

Traffic is flowing, all but, slowly through a stretch of Highway 3A 31 kilometers north of Creston following a rock slide last week. DriveBC website is reporting the road is reduced to single lane, alternating traffic until further notice. Rock slide closes Highway 3A north of Creston Getting from the West to East Kootenay ...

LIBRARY MUSINGS: GFPL director breaks first rule about book club

Here’s what’s going on at the library: Lego Club Drop by the library on Friday, February 21 from 1:00 to 3:00 pm for our monthly Lego Club! We got a brand-new bin donated last week to add to our collection – so look out for a whole bunch of new pieces. All ages welcome, and snacks will be provided. Book Club I’m going to break...

Partners in Parenting

  Partners in Parenting Speaker: Terri-Joy Elwood  MS, SLP; Parent Consultant                           Authorized Facilitator, Neufeld Institute; insightforparents.ca Understanding Preschoolers (AM) Adolescent Sexuality (PM)   Alternate afternoon sessions: Make and Take Aboriginal Talking Stick or Relaxation Yoga   Saturday...

GF council in hot water at regular meeting

Last Tuesday’s council meeting got more than a little heated when Grand Forks residents packed the meeting room at Roxul. Citizens had more than a few questions to ask councillors about the proposed water metres. The room was packed, with people spilling out into the hallway, and most of them were their to show solidarity for...

MLA recognizes heart month

This February, we recognize Heart Month, an important time to learn more about heart health. Cardiovascular disease is a common term used for a number of medical conditions that affect the heart and/or blood vessels. Coronary heart disease, heart failure, hardening of the arteries and irregular heartbeat are all examples of...

Bruins fight hard; miss chance at playoffs

The Grand Forks Border Bruins played on home ice against the Nelson Leafs losing to the Leafs 6-5. The Bruins’ needed to win the Saturday game in order to make it to the playoffs.  The first period started out fast-paced and that pace carried right on through to the end of period three. The Leafs scored three goals in period...

RCMP give annual report -- numbers are down

Grand Forks RCMP Staff Sgt. Jim Harrison was the first presenter at Tuesday’s committee of the whole meeting, Feb. 11. Harrison came before Grand Forks city council to give his annual report and brought the good news that crime is down in the Kootenay Boundary. “This was another successful year in policing, quite frankly. Our...

"Little Bird" author moves to Grand Forks

Grand Forks has a new resident author. Jean Lloyd moved to the area last fall and is selling her book “Little Bird” at the gallery 2, Pedallers' Place and the Christina Lake Living Arts Centre. Lloyd wrote the book when she was living in Fernie, but it is based around Trail, where she grew up. “It was really a personal thing...

Bruins struggle against Nitehawks; need to win all weekend games to qualify for playoffs

The newly renamed Jack Goddard Memorial Arena in Grand Forks was the site for the Bruins’ home ice game against the Beaver Valley Nitehawks. Even though the Bruins lost 6:2, coach Kevin Flather felt his boys outplayed the Nitehawks. The game almost started out right on target for the Bruins, as they scored the first three...

No Boundaries Film Club holds World Community Film Festival in Feburary

From Feb 21st  to the 23rd No Boundaries Film Club will be presenting the 9th annual Grand Forks screening of the World Community Film Festival  British Columbia’s largest, longest running international social issues film festival. The World Community Development Education Society, based in Courtenay, BC has been holding the...

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