

About 40 people attend water metre rally

“We want to talk and meet and learn and vote” was chanted around Gyro Park, last Friday as water metre protester made their message clear via picket signs, speeches, a song and chanting. The group met at 11 a.m. and listened as different community members voiced their concerns about the pending water metres. Donna Semenoff,...

REVIEW: Footloose

Footloose the musical graced the stage of Grand Forks Secondary School on March 7th, 8th, and 9th. The main character of the play is a boy named Ren McCormack (played by Aaron Baker), whom I have known for a long time and had no idea he could sing so well. The nice thing about the play was the set. The set was simple and...

COMMENT: Gov't reps work long hours

For those of you who follow the proceedings in the legislature you will very likely see the best and the worst of the process of government. It is a process steeped in tradition and is somewhat archaic and slow to respond to change. However, I believe that those who put their names on a ballot to represent the people in their...

OP/ED: Water metres -- not that scary

I was surprised at the reaction the public has had towards water metres. Not floored, change is uncomfortable and there is almost always a backlash. What surprised me is how vehement and ongoing the reaction has been. I’ve been fortunate enough to have travelled quite a bit and lived in many parts of the world. In most places...

CL home lost in fire

Both Christina Lake Fire and Rescue and the Grand Forks fire department tackled a fire in rural Christina Lake home, March 4. Christina Lake fire fighters were the first ones on the scene to a structural fire West of the lake, however, they needed extra help from Grand Forks as water was limited. They got a water shuttle going...

Big thanks from Phoenix

The Phoenix Mountain Board of Directors also wants to announce a big thank you to our terrific community. Dylan Zorn, president of the Phoenix Mountain Alpine Ski Association, said,  “We had fantastic support this season and really appreciate the Phoenix Spirit offered by so many people and businesses.  Our community at Phoenix...

LETTER: Who’s Paying Attention to the WHO?

For years many people have wondered about the effects of electric and magnetic fields (EMF) on human health. More recently, these concerns have extended to radiofrequency (RF) exposure from wireless technologies like cordless phones, cell phones, cell phone towers, GPS devices, “smart” meters, and WiFi.  In 2011, the WHO...

UPDATE: RCMP ask for public assistance in finding a silver pickup truck possibly used in Salmo robbery

Police are distributing photos of the suspect who robbed a Salmo bank on Feb. 25, according to RCMP Cpl. Debbie Postnikoff."The photographs clearly depict that the coat is purple in colour and that the suspect is wearing light tan coloured hiking style footwear," she said. "Investigation has also confirmed a silver/gray pick-up...

UPDATE: Perry Ridge logging protestors have change of heart

Two Perry Ridge protestors didn't spend a long time in jail after agreeing to signing undertakings not to return to the site. Marilyn James and Dennis Zarelli were arrested for failure to comply with an injunction issued the day before. The two were jailed after not agreeing to sign an undertaking that they would not return...

LIBRARY MUSINGS: Board games and Doukhobor movies

The days are getting longer, and the sun is starting to emerge from hiding – which means it may not be spring yet, but it’s definitely on its way!  If you’re thinking about spring cleaning, come check out our books on home organization and clutter-reduction books. If you’re dreaming of home renovations and woodworking projects,...

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