

MLA's office temporarily closed due to smoke & water damage

MLA Linda Larson's Oliver-based consituency office was recently closed due to smoke and water damage caused by a fire in the premises next door. While we are working hard to secure a new office and hope to make an announcement in near future, rest assured that we are working from our remote offices to get the job done....

The fight for Rose Schwarz continues with local benefit

Grand Forks locals have a chance to help former resident, 25-year-old Rose Schwarz as she battles for her health and life. Schwarz has been fighting for her own well-being for the last 11 year, since she was 14-years-old. During that time, her health has gotten continuously worse. Now she can only eat through a feeding tube...

Carson Road fire has "undetermined" start

After an investigation, Grand Forks Fire Rescue (GFFR) say that the house on Carson Road that burned to the ground last Sunday has an official “undetermined” status. Initially, investigators thought the fire was suspicious and may have been a result of arson. “There were a couple of indicators that it could be suspicious,” ...

Nurse's aid fired for not wearing mask or getting flu shot

A Grand Forks’ man has become the first person in Canada to be fired for refusing to get a flu shot. Arnold Hoekstra, 49, worked as a nurse’s aide at the Boundary Hospital for five years in an adult day program. When pressure was put on him to get the flu shot, he refused. As an alternative, he was asked to wear a mask while...

CONTEST: Sponsored by Canadoodle Australian Labradoodles

Welcome to the twelfth monthly contest hosted by the Boundary Sentinel.  To participate, write a comment -- any PG comment -- in the comment boxes below. You'll need to set up an account if you don't already have one. You can find the registration page here. Don't forget to make sure the account has a valid email address so...

BCAA’s Worst Roads’ List campaign back to find the worst of 2014

Last year, the Highway 6 north of Slocan to Vernon found a spot on the top ten list of BCAA’s Worst Roads’ List. Many who drive the highway from the Slocan Junction may disagree with the 2013 final poll results, saying the entire road needs to be included. And what about Highway 31 from Balfour to Kaslo and onto Meadow Creek...

Museum hosts solar energy workshop

The Boundary Museum hosted a workshop on solar energy last weekend. The workshop came about thanks to the museum’s transition to off the grid energy. They were having solar panels installed and the company offered to do a workshop on solar energy. Caleb Schmidt from Sunfind Solar Products, a company based out of Red Deer,...

Rock Creek artists put on annual show; gallery 2 hosts appreciation day

Art across the Boundary was celebrated over the weekend as part of Arts and Culture week. In Rock Creek, Riverside Artists held their annual art show at the Rock Creek Fair Pavilion on Saturday. It is the second year they have held the event, and this time they expanded to include more fine art, says Ann Rexin, secretary of...

ATV and trail partners club hosts fun day

The Grand Forks ATV Club, along with the 17 partners of the Boundary Country Trails Agreement and other supporting partners of the Grand Forks – Christina Lake Multi Use Recreational Trails Plan invite all residents to a very special event! The Family Fun Day on Saturday, May 10 from 10 am – 5 pm.  Will be at the Motto Cross...

LIBRARY MUSINGS: GFDPL is hiring; book sale coming; wills and estate workshop

As you know, we have books here – lots and lots of books – as well as movies, magazines, storytime boxes, e-readers, and more! We also have activities at the library: author readings, storytimes, workshops, lectures, etc. And here’s something you might not know: many of these activities were suggested by members of the...

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