

Nature Trust needs to take more responsibility

On July 2nd there was a field trip on Nature Trust property. The major objective of the field trip was to encourage Nature Trust to take ownership of their 475 acres and start the process of mitigating the significant damage caused by the cow which is contrary to the 99 year lease agreement signed with the Fish & Wildlife...

CL's annual Homecoming celebration grows every year

It’s grown again. The 5th annual Christina Lake Homecoming Summer Festival has gone beyond expectations with a large line up of vendors and performances at the July 11th event. According to organizer Cindy Alblas, they had over 80 vendors at the event plus 14 performances. This year, the event expanded into the evening with...

Heatwave continues through the week

Like a "Heat wave . . .. Martha and the Vandellas made the song popular before Linda Ronstadt covered it in 1975. Now most of BC, including much of the West Kootenay region, is getting a first hand feel of the lyrics as a heat wave, partly due to warm air from the desert southwest of the United States, pushes into the British...

Surprisingly no one hurt as horse trailer flips near Playmor Junction

A bizarre accident involving a horse-trailer west of Playmor Junction at Highway 3A/6 Friday afternoon resulted in no injuries said Nelson RCMP Cpl. Michael Stefani. The accident happened at approximately 4:08 p.m. Friday a truck towing a horse trailer saw the trailer dislodge from the vehicle, break away from its safety...

Grand Forks seniors home included in "Happy" video

Grand Forks' Silver Kettle Village residents were included in a promotional video where staff and residents dance to Pharrell William's song "Happy."  Golden Life Management Corporation said they hadn't expected to get so many participants and ended up with over 40 hours of footage that had to be scaled back to four minutes...

Jumbo Glacier Resort gets green light from Environmental Assessment Office

Wildsight, an organization based in the East Kootenay that vows to protect forests, mountains, waterways and wildlife, said the Environmental Assessment Office has given approval to Jumbo Glacier Resort to proceed with development high in the Purcell Mountains. Wildsight said the okay was given in a submission of a self-report,...

Osprey webcam drama — Life goes on

Little Nel – gender yet undetermined — is doing well in Delta after a free ride on an airplane. Nel is the Osprey chick, who became famous on the internet as the only surviving chick of three in a nest high above the Kootenay River in Grohman Narrows. The webcast was made possible by the joint efforts of Nelson Hydro and...

Grand Forks man dies after jumping off Nursery Bridge

Grand Forks' Joe (Morey Joseph) Lafreniere (53) was killed at the old Nursery rail bridge along the Kettle River, July 8th.  According to the BC Coroner's Service, Lafreniere was jumping into the river with a group of friends. After he jumped, it was obvious he was in trouble but his friends could not get him to shore. He was...

A 33-year-old Grand Forks man dies near Revelstoke

A Grand Forks man, Mark Douglas Dickson (33) died in a motorcycle incident 40 km south or Revelstoke, July 4th.  Dickson and a friend were riding motorcycles southbound on the Crawford Forestry Service Road, an active logging road, at about 4:15 pm when Dickson’s machine collided with a northbound pickup truck. According to...

LIBRARY MUSINGS: Cool off at the library or join Storytime at the lake

Although our Summer Reading Club began yesterday, it’s still not too late to sign up! And as a way to accommodate those of you who don’t want to commit to all seven weeks, we’ll be leaving our Fridays open as a drop-in. Bring your 6-12 year olds by any Friday from July 8 to August 22, either from 10 - 12 or from 1 – 3 pm....

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