

LETTER: Water meter fines too high; more respect for residents needed

Dear Mr. Allin and members of the Grand Forks city council, Concerning the new water metering bylaws now under consideration for first, second and third readings at this evening's meeting (July 21), and for probable adoption on August 18, I understood that these draft bylaws were only available within the Information Package...

Fire crews continue battle two fires burning in Slocan Valley

Fire crews are busy trying to contain two lightning-caused fires in the Slocan Valley that flared up Friday Jordan Turner Communications Specialist for the Southeast Fire Centre said Sunday. The two fires — Enterprise Creek and Monument Creek — are highly visible due to the proximity to Highway 6 and are currently posing no...

Airshow Nelson 2014 — a grassroots event that showcases the aviation industry

Case Grypma, chair of the 2014 Nelson Airshow, would like to toss out the red carpet to area aviation buffs to attend the (Saturday) August 2 extravaganza at the Heritage City Airport on the city waterfront. The event kicks off at 8 a.m. with the pancake breakfast and plane arrivals before the official opening ceremonies at...

YOLO travellers find "Pride of the Valley" mill

Self-described "YOLO" (You Only Live Once) travellers Cindy Aspden and Joe Vas made their way through Grand Forks and learned a little about the local Doukhobour mill on their way.  Check out their attached YouTube video to find out how it went. ...

Mr Mojo danced through GF on Wednesday

Mr. Mojo -- a Nelson-based musician -- was selected by the Kootenay Library Federation at libraries across the region. Grand Forks was his last stop on a 12 stop tour.  He performed at 1 p.m. in the children's section of the library to a growing crowd of eager faces. Some of his songs included "Dirty Old Bear," which placed...

Almost $20K in grant money for Greenwood

Greenwood has been awarded $18,670 in grant money from the Job Creation Partnership grant, according to an announcement Mayor Nipper Kettle made on his Facebook page.  The money will be used toward beautifying the City of Greenwood with special attention going to O'Hairi Park -- the main city park -- and the A-Frame structure...

Smoke advisory for the Boundary

The Ministry of Environment has issued a Smoky Skies Advisory for the entire Thompson, Fraser Canyon, Okanagan, Similkameen, Nicola, Boundary and Shuswap areas because of forest fire smoke that is affecting the area.  Smoke concentrations will vary widely as winds, fire behaviour and temperatures change.  Avoid strenuous...

Smoke advisory for the Boundary

The Ministry of Environment has issued a Smoky Skies Advisory for the entire Thompson, Fraser Canyon, Okanagan, Similkameen, Nicola, Boundary and Shuswap areas because of forest fire smoke that is affecting the area.  Smoke concentrations will vary widely as winds, fire behaviour and temperatures change.  Avoid strenuous...

Interior Health CEO, Dr. Halpenny, makes house call to Kootenay Lake Hospital

Dr. Robert Halpenny, CEO of Interior Health, made a house call Tuesday for a routine check-up at Kootenay Lake Hospital in Nelson. “It’s really important that we understand community issues, “ said Halpenny, president and CEO of IH in Kelowna since 2010 . He was on an annual tour of Interior Health facilities in the region....

GW Founder's Day quadruples it's size

Greenwood celebrated 117 years by pulling out the stops at their annual celebration, Saturday. The day started with a pancake breakfast and parade, which is usual for the event, but it was expanded on many fronts.  They had 60 vendors set up around the fair, which was held at O'Hairi Park in downtown Greenwood. The number, ...

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