

Relay for Life Boundary knocks it out of the park!

Each year, Relay For Life participants from across Canada come together to celebrate the lives of those who have overcome cancer, remember loved ones lost and empower individuals and communities to fight back against the disease. The 2014 Boundary Relay For Life committee, participants, sponsors, survivors and volunteers...

KETTLE RIVER Q&A: Small fish with big importance for the Kettle River.

Unless you are really into fish, you have probably not heard of the Speckled Dace. The Speckled Dace (Rhinichthys osculus) is a small minnow (5-9 cm) that is relatively abundant in the Kettle River watershed and in many waterways in the western United States. The Speckled Dace is a small minnow found in the Kettle River...

LETTER: City adds insult to injury

Dear Editor,  We got a letter in the mail Tuesday, Nov. 18th, signed by both the City of Grand Forks and Neptune, "Final Call for Water Meter Installation." When you read it, it seems that if you want a free meter you have to book an install appointment by Dec. 1. Then it says meters are mandatory and that you may be subject...

West Kootenay Provincial Parks get New Operators

It was a no-brainer for Anne Pigeon.  After 24 years  in the ski biz, taking care of  indoor operations, marketing and sales  for Whitewater Ski Resort, running a few provincial parks with her husband Rick is right up her alley. BC Parks awarded  the Pigeons a 10 year contract to operate six West Kootenay provincial parks...

Decline in Kootenay Lake fish population forces Family Day Derby cancellation

Organizers of the popular BC Family Day Fishing Derby that happens during the February holiday weekend on Kootenay Lake are voicing concerns about a decline in fish stocks in the main lake. Robert Di Pietro of the 2015 Kootenay Lake Family Day Fishing Derby said the event has now been cancelled due to “an extreme decline in...

CAO leaves Grand Forks

More to come ...  The City of Grand Forks' Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), Doug Allin, has left his position earlier than expected.  In a press release sent out earlier today, media spokesperson Sarah Winton said that Doug Allin "enacted provisions within his contract" that allowed him to leave earlier than expected. ...

One person was taken to hospital following single-vehicle accident near Grohman Narrows Park

RCMP said one person was taken to hospital with what appeared to be non-life-threatening injuries following a single vehicle accident Sunday morning on Highway 3A west of Nelson near the Grohman Narrows Provincial Park. Witnesses at the accident scene that happened around 10:45 a.m. Sunday, said the four-door sedan was driving...

LETTER: Politics play a role in deer population

I am sending you a letter that appeared recently in the Grand Forks Gazette and the online newspaper, The Boundary Sentinel. The letter is applicable to every community in the province who has witnessed a significant increase in deer populations within urban settings! It is a sad time for all of us in our province who care ...

LETTER: "Thanks" from candidate

Thank you to everyone who voted!  It was a protection of our democratic right! Thank you to everyone who supported me and voted for me, in the belief that we could work together towards a fabulous Grand Forks! It's still possible for us to pursue this dream - whenever the opportunity arises... We all make Grand Forks the way...


On Tuesday Dec 2 Spotlight Films will be presenting “Whiplash”, a psychological thriller/intense drama written and directed by novice director Damien Chazelle. This is a film about tyranny, passion that morphs into obsession, and a secret to be revealed. It focuses on Andrew Neyman (Miles Teller, “The Spectacular Now”,...

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