

LIBRARY MUSINGS: AGM coming up; Mother Goose is back

Our public library is governed by a Board of Directors – they approve policy, budgets and plan strategically for the future of library service in our community. Our Annual General Meeting is coming up soon (March 4 at 7 pm), and the board has put out a Call for Nominations for people who would like to join the board. Library...

Lillooet RCMP ask for assistance on solving three-decaded old cold case

Lillooet RCMP is requesting the public’s assistance in a cold case that is more than three decades old. Roxanne Elaine Fleming has been missing since August 23, 1982. Fleming, a young, vibrant First Nations woman, attended the Lillooet District Hospital at the time for a broken finger. Although there have been unconfirmed...

KETTLE RIVER Q&A: Hitting the ground running

It's often a concern when environmental plans are completed that they will do little more than sit on a shelf. Thanks to the leadership and dedication of the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary and many other project partners, the Kettle River Watershed Management Plan has 'hit the ground running' and has a number of...

LETTER: Open Letter to Grand Forks Mayor Frank Konrad and GF City Council

To Mayor and Council of the City of Grand Forks, I write you today as a concerned citizen of this amazing City. I am compelled to write to you about some concerns I and many other citizens have arising from the Regular City Council meeting this past Monday January 12th, 2015.  I was unable to attend the meeting in person but...

CKCA and the Trust announce arts, culture and heritage grant applications

Artists in all disciplines—as well as arts, culture and heritage organizations — are invited to apply for funding through the Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance (CKCA), which delivers the Arts, Culture and Heritage Program on behalf of Columbia Basin Trust. “We’re proud that for 18 years we’ve been able to partner with the...

Weather alert ends for West Kootenay

Special weather warning continue for Columbia and Howe Sound regions of the province, but the West Kootenay alert has ended. The weather has changed to a few flurries or rain showers for Sunday, dropping to 30 percent for Monday along with fog. Highs for Monday is for plus 3. Unsettled weather is set to remain for the rest ...

MP Announces Approaching Deadline for 2015 Canada Summer Jobs Applications

Alex Atamanenko, MP for BC Southern Interior is reminding eligible local employers and organizations that the deadline for submitting applications to Canada Summer Jobs 2015 (CSJ) is January 30, 2015.   “The deadline is approaching”, said Atamanenko.  “I encourage eligible employers to consider applying for CJS funding and ...

LETTER: Apparently some councilors didn’t get the memo

Dear Editor, The recent election has shown, emphatically, how local residents felt about how the city was run by the previous mayor and council. It was clear that the voters wanted change; a change from government that didn’t listen. They wanted a voice in how the city is run. At the Dec 15th, 2014 city council morning meeting,...

No Boundaries Film Festival looks for input in festival choices

Looks like some great choices for the upcoming 2015 Traveling Community Film Festival.   This year our festival kicks off on the evening of Friday, February 27th,  continues all day and into the evening on Saturday, February 28th and wraps up in the afternoon of Sunday, March 1st.  Be sure to mark it on your calendar! Once ...

SPOTLIGHT FILMS: Life's a Breeze

“Life’s A Breeze”, a film about a family trying to stay afloat and together, though, perhaps, somewhat pedestrian at times, does not lack at least some of the characteristic and witty charm of a delightful Irish comedy. True, it did not score well with the established sites, IMDb or Rotten Tomatoes, but it did garner some...

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