

Grand Forks resident joins BC Museums Association

The new executive and council members of the BC Museums Association (BCMA) hail from across the province and represent all sectors of the Association’s membership. Elected at the  BCMA  Annual General Meeting, held at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria on September 14, 2015, the new Council will continue the revitalization...

CFB Small Business and Community awards only weeks away

Community Futures Boundary and the Boundary Country Regional Chamber of Commerce are pleased to host the 16th annual Business Excellence and Community Awards celebration. This gala event brings together individuals, business, government and non-profit organizations. “It is a great opportunity to recognize business excellence,...

Boundary communities get more community centre funding

A new, three-year base funding model for community visitor services centres in Oliver, Grand Forks, Greenwood and Keremeos will ensure more stable and predictable funding and allow for greater flexibility and innovation. Destination BC, the province’s industry-led destination marketing organization, has announced the three-year...

Henke, Bobic capture top prizes at Balfour Ladies Open

Linda Henke came away with the top prize at the 25th Annual Ladies Open Golf Tournament earlier this month at the Balfour Golf Course. Henke was the low gross winner in a field of 72 players from the Okanagan, Washington State and both East and West Kootenays. Balfour's Linda Bobic was the other top winner, taking home the ...

Cat 2 open fires permitted in west part of Southeast Fire Centre

Effective noon (Pacific time) Friday, Sept. 18, Category 2 open fires will be permitted within the Arrow and Kootenay Lake Fire Zones of the Southeast Fire Centre due to a decreased risk of wildfires. Category 2 fires are fires that burn material in piles smaller than two metres high and three metres wide, or stubble or grass...

Valhalla Wilderness Society calls for independent review of caribou in maternity pens

The Valhalla Wilderness Society (VWS) is calling for an independent review of two maternity penning projects for BC’s endangered mountain caribou, after seven caribou died in the pens this summer. According to a press release from the VWS, “One adult cow and four newborn calves died in a pen near Revelstoke; and in a similar...

Kootenay Lake School District staff scramble to fix scheduling problems caused by My Education B.C. data system

A new student information system is causing issues at L.V. Rogers Secondary School, leaving some students with unwanted gaps in their timetables. Some students at L.V. Rogers in Nelson and Prince Charles Secondary School in Creston are finding out the hard way that there just aren’t enough teachers available for the number ...

City drafts bylaws to deal with 'aggressive' panhandlers

A shout out from the down-and-out looking for a hand out is on the way out as city council is preparing to finalize its stamp on a panhandling bylaw in an attempt to stem the tide of a disturbing trend. The first three readings of a bylaw expected to curb a rise in “aggressive” panhandling in the downtown was passed by the ...

Southeast Fire Centre relaxes some areas for Category 2 open fires

The Southeast Fire Centre said in a media release, effective at 1 p.m. (Pacific time) on Monday, Sept. 14, 2015, Category 2 open fires will be permitted within the Columbia and Invermere Fire Zones of the  due to a decreased risk of wildfires. Category 2 fires are fires that burn material in piles smaller than two metres high...

RCMP asking for public assistance to locate missing Kelowna woman

RCMP in Kelowna is asking the public to be on the lookout for a 31-year-old Kelowna woman, missing since Friday (September 11). Megan Doyle, last seen during the evening hours of Friday, is believed to be in the area of Big White or heading to Nakusp. Doyle was driving a grey 2012 Toyota Rav 4 with BC licence plate 978 LHJ....

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