

Halloween fireworks display

Watch the video to see Les Johnson's recording of the Halloween fireworks...

COLUMN: It’s fall, and time to savour our agricultural riches

After a very long, dry summer we are still experiencing a relatively dry fall. There has been a bit of rain and cooling of temperatures, but I am, as many of you are, still concerned about our forests and what the next year could bring. Whether we like it or not, we should all be wishing for a lot of snow this winter. Fall ...

Grand Forks caregivers find much-needed emotional support for their dementia journey

Asking for help is never easy for most people. But for the increasing number of Grand Forks residents caring for a family member with Alzheimer’s disease or another dementia, it's essential. "You really can't support your family member by yourself,” says Julie Leffelaar, regional Education & Support coordinator for the ...

LETTER: Non-RF water metres are an option

Dear Editor,   Phase 2 of the universal water meter boondoggle is in progress… there were approximately 400 meters remaining to be installed. Here are a few things all residents and homeowners should know: Were you aware that all homeowners could get a water meter installed without the radio frequency (RF) feature? Apparently...

Chasing Shadows: A Ski Film benefit

For 66 years, Warren Miller has been making incredible ski movies. His fall tours are where skiers and snowboarders awaken from the long hard summer. Passions are reignited; friends are reunited; and ski season officially begins. Miller once said, “A pair of skis are the ultimate transportation to freedom,” and this year,...

OP/ED: Protect water sources from free ranging cattle

Newsletter... I am sharing a few pictures that represent a typical water/grassland scene on the Gipin Grasslands. The pictures showcase the largest tributary to Morrissey Creek before the creek drops into a canyon and an adjacent meadow that was the site of a recent forest thinning burn. Morrissey Creek watershed is one of ...

Bird’s Eye View Author to Speak in Grand Forks

The author of an exciting new wartime novel called Bird’s Eye View will present a highly-entertaining talk and slide show of vintage photographs at the Grand Forks and District Public Library at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 19 and again in Midway on Friday, Nov. 20.  Bird’s Eye View is the only novel ever written featuring a...

Local Resident Receives National Environmental Education Award

Monica Nissen, local Nelson resident and Director of Wildsight’s education programs, was awarded a prestigious national award in Canmore last week—the 2015 Canadian Network for Environmental Education and Communication Award of Excellence. Monica’s passion for the wilderness and her gift for teaching drew her into the field...

Police, community looks to pick up pieces after sentencing of NPD Constable

It must have been a somber day inside the offices of 606 Stanley Street as the Nelson Police Department dealt with the news that one of their own had been sentenced to 30 days house arrest and a one-year probation for an assault charge on a woman. NPD Const. Drew Turner was in BC Provincial Court Tuesday to hear his sentence...

NPD Constable handed Conditional Sentence Order after assault conviction

A Nelson Police Constable was handed a Conditional Sentence Order 30 Days House Arrest and one year probation Tuesday by BC Provincial Court Judge Richard Hewson. Judge Hewson sentenced Const. Drew Turner at Nelson Courthouse after the Nelson Police Department officer was convicted for assault in September following an incident...

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