

Summer heat forcing reduction in permitted angling times

Anglers in the Kootenays are being asked to fish in the morning and early afternoon to protect fish from the effects of warm water later in the day. The ministry is reducing recreational fishing activities for several areas in the Kootenay region. From July 31 until Sept. 10, 2023, angling in these areas will be closed from...

B.C. strengthens community preparedness for climate-related disasters

First Nations and local governments throughout B.C. will benefit from funding to help strengthen resilience against climate-related hazards, such as flooding, drought, wildfires and heat. “With the severe flooding, drought and wildfires we’ve experienced recently, we are seeing direct impacts of climate change...

Campfire Ban for BC; State of Emergency for Stikine Region

Effective July 10, 2023, at 3 p.m. (Pacific time), category 1 campfires will be prohibited throughout B.C. with the exception of Haida Gwaii. Campfires have already been prohibited in many regions of B.C. The Province is declaring a state of emergency for the unincorporated Stikine region in response to the ongoing wildfire...

RDKB wins the Canadian Award for Financial Reporting

The Canadian Award for Financial Reporting (CAnFR) has been awarded to the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB), by Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) for its annual financial report. Even though regional districts are not legislated to produce annual reports like municipalities,...

RDKB Directors board bus for Boundary Region tour

The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Board of Directors recently toured several sites in the Boundary to give Directors a greater insight into our westerly communities.  “This tour provided an essential opportunity for all RDKB Directors to experience the diversity of our Regional District from community forest projects...

Provincial Grant helps RDKB get FireSmart-er

A $690,000 grant from the Province of BC will help Regional District of Kootenay Boundary residents get FireSmart-er. The Union of BC Municipalities’ Community Resiliency Investment Program funding is the largest grant ever received by the RDKB’s Emergency Preparedness Service. “We are extremely grateful for the Province of...

Weekly newsletter from MLA/Minister Katrine Conroy

In communities across B.C., farmers’ markets offer an opportunity for people to get locally grown, healthy, fresh food from the farmers in their neighbourhood. Farmers’ markets also are a place for social connection, as well as a support for food security across B.C. But, we know that this food isn’t always accessible to...

RCMP investigate stolen pickup truck

The Grand Forks RCMP is asking for public assistance in helping solve the theft of a pickup truck. In the early hours of Sunday morning, May 21, 2023, RCMP received a report of a theft of a truck from a residence in the 5600 block of Como Road, in Grand Forks. The victims reported that they were in the process of selling the...

Evacuation Order placed on six addresses in Manly Meadows

The RDKB regional emergency operations centre (EOC) has placed six properties in Manly Meadows in Electoral Area D/Rural Grand Forks on Evacuation Order. “The Evacuation Order is being issued due to the river cutting off access to the six properties,” said Mark Stephens, RDKB EOC Director. With rising temperatures in the...

UPDATED: State of Local Emergency in Grand Forks rescinded

The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary EOC is encouraged to see that a decrease in precipitation has allowed some river and creek levels have dropped or are holding steady.  However, the RDKB EOC said that residents are encouraged to continue to take precautions knowing that the snowpack is still deep. In its latest update...

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