

WANTED: Public reports of bat activity during winter months

Our local batsare gone for the winter and their whereabouts is currently unknown in the Kootenay region. Biologists are requesting reports from citizens of bats found hibernating during the cold season.  “During summer, we receive a lot of reports from residents who have bats roosting on their property in houses, barns or...

Phoenix joins Mountain Playground Group

Phoenix Mountain has joined an international consortium of community and independent ski areas, known as the Mountain Playground Group.  Facilitated by the Mountain Rider’s Alliance (MRA), participating ski areas will band together to increase skier visits and share best practice and marketing strategies.   “Mountain Riders...

No Boundaries Film Club presents the 2016 Travelling World Community Film Festival

Friday, February 26th – 7 to 9:30 pm Saturday, February 27th – 9 am to 9:30 pm Sunday, February 28th – 9 am to 5:00 pm Grand Forks Secondary School Auditorium   Welcome to the 11th annual Grand Forks screening of the Traveling World Community Film Festival. The World Community Development Education Society, based in Courtenay,...

Grant money coming to Grand Forks

This year, 2016,  is shaping up to be a fantastic year for the City of Grand Forks. The federal government announced today that Grand Forks is one of 57 communities across Canada to receive Gas Tax Strategic Priorities funding.    The City submitted an application for Performance Measurement and Reporting Framework for...

Rising From the Ashes - Ponderosa Festival Returns in 2016

Festival founders Kris Hargrave and Kia Zahrabi confirmed today that while BC’s largest interface fire of 2015 caused the cancellation of their third installment, Ponderosa Arts & Music Festival will return in 2016, August 19 to 21, in Rock Creek, BC. The festival, called off due to safety concerns just two days before ...


It was a dark period in the forging of the United States, one of many for a nation aspiring to greatness. The fostering of paranoia in order to expunge enemies, imagined or real, is an unfortunate device employed by those with distorted dreams. The victims, in this case, included folk musician Pete Seeger, writer Dashiell...

COLUMN: Briefings from Victoria

I am now back in Victoria at the Legislature until the end of May. While there are many events and meeting requests that come across my desk, I am only in the constituency on Fridays and Saturdays and quite often that time is limited by weather and other unforeseen issues. I depend on my very resourceful and knowledgeable...

COLUMN: Costs of post-secondary education

As the NDP critic for post-secondary education, I’ve met with a number of groups over the past weeks and months to discuss the opportunities and challenges facing universities, colleges and technical institutions, as well as with the students who are working hard to better their futures.  And the benefits to post-secondary ...

Op/Ed First Nations have right to wildlife resources

I am sending you a news release from the Wildlife Stewardship Council that is a reminder to all British Columbians that First Nations have the leverage to demand their constitutional right to harvest a fair share of the province’s wildlife resource! How many BC First Nations bands are going to ask in the immediate future the...

Midway police request public assistance in finding missing woman

The Midway (BC) RCMP is requesting the public's assistance in locating a missing Rock Creek resident. Colleen Sylvia Smith was last seen Feb. 9 at 9:30 a.m. Colleen Smith is described as:  Caucasian female; 50 years old; 5 ft 5 in (165 cm); 145 lbs (66 kg); blonde hair; blue eyes; wears glasses. Colleen Smith owns ...

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