

Province denies Wildlife Defence League claims

It’s Year Two of British Columbia's controversial wolf cull and questions have been raise regarding the techniques used by the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (FLNRO). The tactic in question is something the BC-based conservation organization, Wildlife Defence League (WDF) is calling a “Judas Wolf”....

IHA wrings out Nelson laundry service and prepares to cut 29 jobs in the city

The fate of Kootenay Lake Hospital’s laundry services has all come out in the wash. On Tuesday afternoon the Interior Health Authority (IHA) has elected to contract out hospital laundry services for Nelson and four other communities, meaning 29 job losses in the city. Interior Health’s board of directors and the health authority...

Snowfall Warning called for higher elevation highways

March appears to be arriving like a lion, especially on highways at higher elevations. Marc Dale, Yellowhead Road & Bridge Ltd. Operations Manager for the Southeast Kootenay region said there is a Snowfall Warning for highway passes. "It looks like old man winter is still with us," Dale said. "We have a Snowfall warning...

UPDATED: Coun. Butler found originally in 'Conflict of Interest;' To stay on council

The Honourable Mr. Justice Greyell of the British Columbia Supreme Court ruled today in the City’s application to have the office of Councillor Julia Butler declared vacant on the basis that she contravened sections 100 and 101 of the Community Charter. In his Reasons for Judgment, Justice Greyell held that, while Councillor...

Florida Panthers win Dryden Hunt sweepstakes, sign Nelson Minor Hockey grad to entry-level deal

It's a move that slipped under the radar as most teams focus on the pending National Hockey League trade deadline. However, for Nelson Dryden Hunt it's a day he'll remember for years — the day the 20-year-old sniper signed a contract with an NHL team. Miami Herald beat reporter George Richards broke the news Saturday that the...

HEU stages rally in Nelson Monday ahead of IH laundry decision

Local Hospital Employees Union workers in Nelson are joining fellow members from other communities in the province as part of the Leap for Local Laundry rally Monday (February 29) in front of the courthouse on the corner of Vernon and Ward Streets. The day of action happens in the BC Interior as the HEU brings attention to ...

School District No. 8 brass rolls out potential facilities plans to public

The third round of public meetings regarding long range school district facilities planning in the Nelson area was held Wednesday night, with officials showcasing and explaining the scoring and likelihood of multiple scenarios while encouraging feedback from the public. The evening was hosted by Kim Morris, Secretary-Treasurer...

Hawks take 2-0 lead on Leafs; Bruins double Rebels 4-2 to even series

After combining for 12 goals in Game one, Beaver Valley and Nelson returned to playing grind-it-out playoff hockey during Game two of the Kootenay International Junior Hockey League's Murdoch Division Semi Final Wednesday night in Fruitvale. The problem for the Nelson Leafs, however, is the Beaver Valley Nitehawks can play ...

Hawks outlast Leafs 7-5 to grab 1-0 lead in Murdoch Semi Final

Kyle Hope and Dylan Heppier each scored twice to lead the Beaver Valley Nitehawks to a 7-5 victory over the Nelson Leafs in the opening game of the Kootenay International Junior Hockey League’s Murdoch Division Semi Final Tuesday night in Fruitvale. The Hawks take a 1-0 lead in the best-of-seven series with Game two Wednesday...

Teck explains plan to deal with Fisherman’s Road tailings ponds

A proposal from Teck concerning the removal of tailings from areas along Fisherman’s road in Area E of the Regional District of Central Kootenay attracted concerns and questions from locals during an open house meeting at Blewett Elementary Tuesday night. Tailings are the materials left over after valuable minerals are extracted...

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