

Column: Planetary Boundaries

As scientists warn that we’ve pushed the planet “well outside the safe operating space for humanity” and young people march for their futures, the fossil fuel industry campaigns to keep its products, and the world, burning. Industry’s push for continued global energy market dominance accounts for the climate emergency in the most cynical way. Most […]

Column: Entropy -- a city and a civilization

‘ “To live content with small means; to seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion; to be worthy, not respectable, and wealthy, not rich. To study hard, to think quietly, talk gently, act frankly, to listen to stars, birds, babes, and sages with open heart, to bear all cheerfully, to do all […]

Calls for service over summer months decrease — RCMP

September has arrived — the unofficial end to summer — and Grand Forks RCMP have seen a decrease in the calls for police assistance a police media release said Wednesday. “Calls for service can range from noise complaints and missing license plates to break and enters, thefts, serious assault calls, impaired driving and much more,” […]

KIJHL releases 2023-24 schedule

The Kootenay International Junior Hockey League has released its 2023-24 regular season schedule, which begins on Friday, September 22nd with 16 of the league’s 20 teams in action. All KIJHL teams will play a 44-game regular season that includes six games each against divisional rivals, two games against teams from the alternate division within the […]

Environment Canada issues Special Weather Statement for BC Interior, including West Kootenay, Boundary

Environment Canada is urging the general public to be aware of their surroundings thanks to a low pressure system that is expected to bring strong, gusty winds shifting from southwest to northwest along with a risk of dry lightning and continued heat to the southern interior. The Special Weather Statement by Environment Canada...

Daily Dose — Nelson Civic Theatre Society Supporting a New Cohort of Resident Artists

Nelson Civic Theatre Society (NCTS) Artists Residency is one of a kind. NCTS Executive Director Eleanor Stacey introduced this concept.  “When we initiated this program in 2020 with our first cohort of four artists, we sought to offer a space and opportunity that demanded nothing from the residents. We wanted to find a way ...

Naval Security Team concludes training in the Southern Interior

The Royal Canadian Navy’s (RCN) Naval Security Team (NST) recently completed training in the Kootenays, conducting Defender Boat Navigation and Tactical Training from July 25 to August 13. NST also conducted community outreach and recruitment for the Naval Experience Program.   “The purpose of the exercises was to train and...

IIO investigating police-involved shooting incident in Grand Forks

In a media release Monday, the BC RCMP said it has notified the Independent Investigations Office of British Columbia (IIO BC) of an incident in Grand Forks where one man suffered serious injuries. The IIO release on its website said that at about 9:50 a.m., on August 13, 2023, police attended a rural residence on Willow Road...

Interior Health urges public to prepare for prolonged heat wave

Environment Canada has issued a Special Weather Statement for most of the Southern Interior as a prolonged heat wave begins Monday. Environment Canada said daytime temperatures are expected to reach 35-37 Celsius in the West Kootenay/Boundary regions as well as Okanagan North Fraser Canyon, Nicola and Similkameen. The heat ...

RCMP officers out on patrols on Christina Lake

The RCMP summer boat patrol program at Christina Lake is different then previous years, but still proving to be effective and popular. Grant Forks RCMP said that in the past, the local detachment was able to secure a Reserve Constable for the summer and have them work about 4 shifts a week, cruising around the lake and in the...

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