

United States: How the stimulus revived the electric car

By Michael Grabell in ProPublica. A common criticism of President Obama's $800 billion stimulus package has been that it failed to produce anything – that while the New Deal built bridges and dams, all the stimulus did was fill some potholes and create temporary jobs. Don't tell that to Annette Herrera. She was 50 when the ...

Boundary Hospital renal services get boost

Interior Health is improving the renal unit at Boundary Hospital thanks to approximately $30,000 in funding for site renovations from Interior Health and the Grand Forks Hospital Auxiliary and more than $213,000 in funding for additional equipment from the BC Renal Agency.“This new equipment will allow staff to care for more...

Canadians reinvent themselves with 'branding' for career changes

A growing number of Canadians are developing their own personal "brands" as part of a trend toward taking greater control over their careers, including steps to help differentiate themselves in a fast-changing workplace, according to the latest survey results from workforce solutions leader Kelly Services.  The findings are...

Technology invades our schools

Projectors, SMART boards, document cameras and tablet PC’s are revolutionizing the classrooms of the Boundary region. Shawn Lockhart, principal of Grand Forks Senior Secondary said the wave of technology is something that School District 51 cannot afford to miss. But while that wave is critical to keeping students engaged in...

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