

Aboriginal council offers to help with deer problem in Grand Forks

The Boundary All Nations Aboriginal Council (BANAC) has offered up help with a culturally viable solution to the deer issue in Grand Forks. Joan Holmes, BANAC president, sent the committee a written letter of intent asking that an aboriginal for-profit company be created and paid to help the committee in whichever solution ...

COMMENT: B.C. Election Act--time to start from scratch

When the B.C. Court of Appeal struck down the government's not-so-subtle attempt to stifle citizens with its ill-advised “gag” law this month, it was only a partial victory.   Regrettably, the Court never had the chance to consider the multitude of contradictions and loopholes that exist in the B.C. Election Act, most of which...

No home yet for the Grand Forks Fall Fair

A delegation from the Grand Forks Fall Fair Society was sent away to prepare a business case after calling on the City of Grand Forks to make good on a 40-year-old promise to give the fair a home. In the 1970’s the Fall Fair was located in Fireman’s park just south of the 2nd Street Bridge on property that is now industrial...

OPINION: Rural B.C. Reality vs. Urban Carbon Tax Mythology

By: Jordan Bateman, British Columbia Director, Canadian Taxpayers Federation It seems the further you get away from Vancouver, the more hated the carbon tax becomes. The B.C. government has sent its Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services around the province to hear submissions on what should be included...

COMMENT: Our crumbling infrastructure

Stories about crumbling public infrastructure are being reported right across the country.  As the federal government continues to download more of its responsibilities onto the provinces, and the provinces onto municipalities, it is inevitable that the next generation will be the ones forced to foot the growing bills. This...

OP/ED: Justin Trudeau and political amnesia

You would think that federal Liberals would by now have immunized themselves against the affliction that almost did them in: the kind of delusional giddiness at the prospect of a political saviour. It is so embarrassing watching Liberals talk about Trudeau 2.0 – as if beating a Conservative Senator in the boxing ring somehow...

Venezuelans re-elect Chavez with overwhelming voter turn out

The incumbent president of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, has been re-elected for a fourth term as the country's president with a 54.66% share of the vote in the presidential election held Sunday. Chávez gave these remarks from the presidential palace: "Truthfully, this has been the perfect battle, a democratic battle. Venezuela...

SUMMING IT UP: Grand Forks City Council

Creating friendly border crossings, water meters and branding topped the list for Grand Forks city council at their last meeting before heading off to the provincial gathering of local governments. Mayor Brian Taylor took the opportunity during the primary committee meeting, with an open agenda, to update council on a meeting...

Deadline still looming for Marshall Lake dam

With rumours growing about a deadline for Marshall Lake’s ultimate demise activists, politicians and land owners continue to meet with key provincial staff to save the lake. Greenwood resident Christopher Stevenson, one of the key people leading the charge to protect the small lake which lies between Grand Forks and Greenwood...

BC mayors met at the annual local government gathering in Victoria

Mayors from across BC met in Victoria today to examine the challenges of BC’s communities and to share best practices in moving forward. On the topic of infrastructure the 140 member strong BC Mayors’ Caucus endorsed the following statement: “We agree that our communities require immediate action to provide stable, predictable,...

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