

Phoenix looking for support through RDKB survey to help get future funding

The Phoenix Mountain Alpine Ski Society (PMASS) is asking Regional District Kootenay Boundary Area D residents to think of the ski hill when filling out the Electoral Area D Survey that was recently mailed out as part of the Official Community Plan (OCP) review. The survey, which was last done in 1999 as part of the original...

Board Says No to Middle School

The Board of School Division 51 has voted on the motion proposing a Middle School for Grand Forks and they voted against it. One board trustee voted for the proposal. Previous meetings where this was discussed saw large audiences and based on this experience they apparently thought more people would attend this meeting as...

RDKB Town Hall Meeting

The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary held a town hall meeting last Thursday, February 7 at the community hall in Christina Lake. This was an opportunity for the public to meet and question those who make decisions about, and provide, services for the region. It was also an event where regional government comes to explain...

RDKB Closing some unattended transfer stations

At the Regional District's town hall meeting last Feb. 7 the public were notified of the imminent closing of some of the 9 unattended transfer stations. This is the end result of a study begun last May into searching for solutions to the problems with them. "Doing our research we found out quite a lot of astonishing things ...

To reserve or not to reserve - a funding question for hospitals

A vote slated for later this month will determine how much hospital tax every resident in the West Kootenay Boundary regions will pay this year. At their meeting in January, the West Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital District (WKBRHD) board asked their members to get feedback from their communities on how much they will...

COMMENT: Why this problem can’t be buried

Twenty-five years ago, after consensus on the reality and impacts of manmade climate change led to the formation of the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change, western governments had two choices. They could either stop subsidising fossil fuel industries and invest the savings in promoting energy efficiency and renewable...

City volunteers recognized for long-term service

Firefighting in rural areas is not a paid position with regular hours so it is unusual to see these volunteers put in too many years. This week, at the Grand Forks city council meeting held Monday, Feb. 4, Darcy Skerritt and Dave Squarebriggs were honoured with 20 year service awards. Watch Les' video to see the full...

COMMENT: 2013 should be the year of the democracy coalition

When historians write the chapter on the current period of social democracy in Canada they might well conclude that the worst thing that happened to it was the 2011 election when the NDP got 103 seats it hadn’t really earned. It was such an unexpected event that the NDP could not cope with it. You could see it in the euphoria...

COMMENT: The Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum, Part 1

I had the opportunity in January to represent our country at the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum (APPF) in Vladivostok, Russia.  This was the 21st annual Forum which hosted over three hundred parliamentarians from 23 APPF member states as well as representatives from other countries, the UN and other world organizations. Our...

SUMMING IT UP GRAND FORKS: City welcomes proposals on properties they own

 Headway was made on setting new policies for council meetings, electrical price increases cleared approvals, and offers were opened on two city owned properties at Grand Forks city council's last meeting. Council directed staff to proceed with a real estate strategy for guidelines on city-owned lands acquisition, disposition...

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