

City councillors want to make the Overton Creek watershed a priority

Grand Forks city council promised to look into protecting the Overton Creek watershed at their April 2 committee of the whole meeting. Roy Ronaghan encouraged councillors to protect this clean water source when he made a presentation at the meeting. He represented the Committee for the Enhancement of the Gilpin Grasslands. ...

Meet political commentator and labour leader at fund raising dinner

It is a rare opportunity to hear from an internationally-renowned speaker in a small town, but Grand Forks has the chance this week to welcome Leo Gerard at a fund raising dinner. Gerard is the international president of the United Steelworkers of America (USW), but is also recognized in even higher circles after being appointed...

COMMENT: Clark’s pitch ignores reality

For a while, I was wondering whether Christy Clark and her supporters realized THEY were in government, not opposition! They all spent much of the Liberals’ half-hour paid advertisement on Global TV Sunday night warning against the evils of deficits and debt: BC NEEDS a balanced budget “for our kids”; BC should NOT leave those...

COMMENT: Time for outrage!

The day I picked up a copy of Stéphane Hessel’s Time for Outrage! at my local bookstore was the day the Royal Bank of Canada’s hiring practices made headlines. There was confusion about what RBC was being accused of. Was it outsourcing? Was it off-shoring? Was it an abuse of the temporary foreign workers’ program? Whatever ...

Council puts a plug in funding tap for community organizations

After over six years of different policies and three different councils, Grand Forks has once again decided not to provide grants-in-aid to local community organizations. The topic came to the table after council had several requests for funding from local non-profits. Most were deferred to budget discussions or to wait in ...

COMMENT: Change cannot come soon enough

As we move towards the end of another session of Parliament I always like to reflect on the events of the past year.  Locally my office has continued to assist constituents who run into difficulties with the federal government bureaucracy.  We have been able to help people in obtaining justice from Revenue Canada and Citizenship...

Greasing the wheels of B.C.'s political parties

So how much is too much? It's a question worth asking after B.C.'s political parties reported their 2012 fundraising hauls last week. And quite the haul it was. Between them, the B.C. Liberals and NDP brought in more than $17 million. The Liberals alone raised $10.15 million, nearly $4 million dollars more than their Ontario...

Taylor remains mayor as NDP candidate nominated

Grand Forks will not be heading into a by-election for the mayor's seat as Sam Hancheroff won the provincial New Democratic Party (NDP) candidacy for the Boundary-Similkameen. Hancheroff is currently a school trustee, and is a retired school teacher. Having grown up in Grand Forks and spending his career years in Okanagan...

COMMENT: Timber sales will degrade an already devastated North Fork

The landscape surrounding the Granby and Gladstone Parks has been totally fragmented by logging and road building. That’s the stark message conveyed in the satellite map released today by Friends and Residents of the North Fork. Logging roads have opened up motorized access to Granby Provincial Park and, in effect, the Park...

SUMMING IT UP GRAND FORKS: Spending starts on new equipment as city approves purchases early

Fast tracking of $326,300 for budget items was approved by Grand Forks city council as they finalized their financial plan for 2013. The council meeting on Monday, Mar. 18 did not include much discussion around the capital costs already detailed in the previous meeting’s financial presentations from staff (see story here). ...

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