

City of Trail to buy Trail airport

Trail City Council is pleased to announce the City of Trail will be proceeding with the purchase of the Trail Regional Airport (YZZ) from the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB). Council determined the condition precedent, a business plan outlining the operations and economic feasibilities of the City of Trail...

COUNCIL CLIPS: Final reading for deer bylaws, vital signs, family day and national park

Grand Forks city council gave the final readings to both repeal bylaw 1884 (the outgoing deer feeding bylaw) and the bylaw 1967, which replaces it. The new bylaws will allow offenders to be ticketed for intentionally feeding deer within city limits. However, councillors Patrick O’Doherty and Michael Wirischagin opposed the ...

UPDATED: Agreement ends FortisBC lockout of 225 electrical workers

Both sides of the FortisBC lockout will be getting an early Christmas present: an end to what has been a long and bitter parting of ways. Mike Flynn, business manager of IBEW local 213, said the 225 locked out electrical workers should be looking at an immediate return to work, with some back on the job as soon as this...

PART TWO: What does 'crime reduction' look like in Castlegar and Trail?

Last week, we discussed the overarching goals of a specialized RCMP Crime Reduction Unit in Castlegar, as presented to city council by CRU non-commissioned officer in charge Cpl. Darryl Orr and his supervisor, Sgt. Mike Wicentowich (To read Part One, click here). Those goals/priorities include in-depth or long-term investigations,...

Trail issues release regarding BV opting out of recreation agreement

The Beaver Valley (BV) Recreation, Parks and Trails Committee has informed the City of Trail that BV will not be renewing, renegotiating or extending their Recreation Services Agreement with Trail. Facilities covered by the agreement include the Trail Aquatic & Leisure Centre, Leisure Programming, Field House and Haley ...

COMMENT: Canada – not going along to get along

My colleague Paul Dewar, our Foreign Affairs critic, recently wrote an article where he talks about Canada’s pattern of disengagement and withdrawal from the international community.  Paul mentions that our Minister of Foreign Affairs, John Baird likes to say that Canada will no longer “go along to get along” in reference to...

Why Tories Are So Afraid of What Deloitte’s Runia Might Testify

With all the reporting on the Senate scandal you might think there’s not much more to be discovered. But reading the actual documents the RCMP turned up in its Mike Duffy investigation is definitely worth the effort. The documents pull back the curtain on Harperland, a landscape so profoundly unethical Harper’s staff does not...

B.C.'s Lieutenant Governor offers statement on death of Nelson Mandela

The Honourable Judith Guichon, Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia, issued this statement following the death of Nelson Mandela: "On behalf of all British Columbians, I offer my condolences to the family of Nelson Mandela and the people of his beloved South Africa. "Mr. Mandela was a visionary who demonstrated courage and...

Castlegar/Nelson to host events questioning the safety of Genetically Engineered foods

Two renowned Canadian scientists will be speaking in Castlegar at 12 p.m. on Dec. 6 to answer questions and concerns regarding genetically engineered (GE, also called genetically modified or GM) foods and human health. As well, they will present at 7 p.m. at Nelson’s United Church. The Selkirk College Student Union (SCSU)...

Celebrate Chistmas with your whole community this Friday!

Trail Silver City Nites organizers, sponsors and City of Trail staff and council are getting ready for the big event this Friday evening in downtown Trail. There will be activities for the entire family, starting at 6:15 pm with Santa’s Candy Parade on Bay Avenue followed by hot dogs and hot chocolate courtesy of Local 480 ...

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