

Castlegar Community Foundation open for business

The Castlegar Community Foundation is ready to hit the ground running in 2014, according to a delegation which presented to city council at council's regular meeting Monday night. Foundation president Bob Jackson told council that 2013 was an eventful year, seeing the organization become qualified to issue tax receipts,...

Council offers letter of support to postal workers

At its regular metting Monday night, council unanimously agreed to send a letter of support to the Canadian Union of Postal Workers as the union opposes deep cuts to postal service, including the end of door-to-door delivery. City councillor Deb McIntosh brought up a letter from the CUPW requesting the city's support. "We...

OP/ED: Mayor looks back on 2013

I believe that 2013 was a great year for Castlegar. City council, composed of dedicated re-elected veterans with extensive experience and a profound understanding of city operations, and others serving their first term, worked together to begin new initiatives while maintaining our efficient service delivery to our residents...

COMMENT: B.C. government's double standard on electoral boundaries ill-advised

Long-time political watchers in B.C. will know what's meant by Gracie's finger. It was one of Canada's most blatant acts of political gerrymandering. In 1982, then Social Credit cabinet minister Grace McCarthy was suspected of using her influence to have her Little Mountain riding boundaries redrawn to include a sliver of a...

Castlegar property values remain stable for 2014

Owners of more than 8,000 properties throughout Castlegar area can expect to receive their 2014 assessment notices in the next few days, according to BC Assessment's Dennis Hickson. “Most homes in Castlegar and its surrounding area have remained stable in value compared to last year’s assessment roll,” Hickson said. “For...

COMMENT: Five New Year's resolutions for B.C.'s politicians

It's that time of year when many of us make resolutions for the new year. Most of them are lofty goals towards self-improvement: quit smoking, lose weight, exercise more often are all among the popular ones. So in the spirit of the season, here are five ideas for B.C. politicians to consider as they set their resolutions for...

Teck reports zinc release into Columbia

The following press release was issued by Richard Deane on the afternoon of Dec. 24: Teck Trail Operations is reporting an incident that resulted in a zinc release to an outfall to the Columbia River on Dec. 22. Based on an initial assessment, the release does not create any health or safety risk to people, fish or wildlife...

COMMENT: Legalizing Prostitution Will Harm Women – Canada Must Target Buyers of Sex

By Joy Smith, MP. The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that the Criminal Code offences around prostitution are unconstitutional. This ruling leaves police without important legal tools to tackle sex trafficking and organized crime and does not reflect a 1990 Supreme Court of Canada decision which stated that the elimination...

Harper and His Movement Were No Friends to Mandela

Of all the hypocrisies revealed by Stephen Harper, perhaps none are so morally offensive as his sudden, solemn respect for Nelson Mandela. We will never know how Harper would reconcile his past attitudes towards apartheid with his trip to South Africa to honour the iconic statesman at his memorial. In 1989 Harper was a member...

Changes continue in BC liquor industry

Premier Christy Clark announced this week the B.C. government's support for a second set of key liquor changes that will create opportunities for small businesses and legions and open up new dining options for B.C. families, while continuing to protect public safety. To create more consumer convenience and give businesses...

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