

Gaming grants announced for local groups

Grand Forks area non-profits got word last week that their applications for gaming grants have been approved. Sunshine Valley Childcare Society (SVCS) and the Boundary Women’s Resource Centre (BWRC) are just two of the local organizations who received much needed operational support.   For Sunshine Valley the funding is used...

Atamanenko pressures government to fight GMO alfalfa

New Democrat Agriculture Critic, Alex Atamanenko (British Columbia Southern Interior), believes stopping Monsanto from registering its GMO alfalfa, already approved by Canada’s Health and Environment agencies, a top priority.“The government needs to put a moratorium in place immediately while there is still a chance to protect...

Air quality data still not accurate; dispersion modeling report released

The Boundary Hospital vicinity is the area of greatest health concern according to the final dispersion model of the Grand Forks airshed presented last Thursday to the Grand Forks Environment Committee. The committee went on to recommend to city council that they prioritize 22nd Street as the number one road improvement...

SUMMING IT UP: Grand Forks City Council

Grand Forks residents will see an increase of four percent on both water and sewer rates for the upcoming year. Council approved the first three readings of two bylaws that will enact the rate increases at their meeting on Monday, Feb. 28. If passed at their next meeting in March, the increase will be in effect in April. ...

Defending bronze medalist - Greenwood - fails to place in 2011 international water competition

For the first time since 2004, the top five tap water winners at the annual Berkeley Springs International Water Tasting were towns and cities in the United States. Daytona Beach, FL was indisputably rated the best tasting water in the world, a title they also won in 2005. A pair of California waters – Desert Hot Springs and...

Moslin suggests limited entry deer hunt for 2012

A controversial proposal for a limited entry hunt to control deer herds in Grand Forks has come to the forefront in discussions at the city’s deer committee once again. Councillor Chris Moslin broached the sensitive topic at city council to prepare the community for 2012.  “The deer committee is considering the concept of a...

Animal control, increased costs, and carbon neutrality top the agenda at town hall meeting

Grand Forks rural area residents had a chance to hold their regional representative accountable at a town hall meeting Monday night. Key questions launched from the crowd were focused on animal control, increasing costs, the push for a bylaw officer, and an extensive presentation on a proposed organic waste diversion program...

Organic waste diversion proposed for Grand Forks and Christina Lake

Tired of the pungent smell of burning barrels in your neighbour’s backyard? Well, a new garbage and organic waste diversion program being proposed by the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) may well be the solution. The new program, to be piloted in Grand Forks, Christina Lake and rural areas soon, may be a godsend...

NDP GMO bill defeated

New Democrat Agriculture Critic, Alex Atamanenko MP (BC Southern Interior) chastised the Harper Conservatives and their Liberal counterparts for defeating his genetically modified organisms bill in the House of Commons.“Once again we see these two major parties putting the interests of their big business buddies ahead of...

Museum open to referendum for service funding

As the municipal elections creep closer, referendum questions are being floated by the local governments. In a presentation to Grand Forks City Council at their last meeting, the Boundary Museum Society (BMS) asked the city for help in determining a service location for the community’s archives, and went on to give their...

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