

What do you want to ask our candidates?

This week the Boundary has a chance to come out and grill the federal candidates for the different parties. In a time when many people are frustrated by the basic fact that we are in the midst of an election, it’s even more important to take the time to choose the candidate you want to represent you in Ottawa and this is your...

Politically charged: NDP Grand Forks office opens

Speeches, offers of both local and federal solutions to current issues, and a guitar duel with Mayor Taylor kicked off the opening of federal New Democratic Party (NDP) candidate Alex Atamanenko’s local office. The opening of the Grand Forks site was officially launched Saturday afternoon with much fanfare.   Set amidst a...

Potholes no more for highway north of Beaverdell

Potholes threatening to swallow whole people will soon be fixed as the Province of B.C. signed a contract for resurfacing work on Highway 33. The contract, worth more than $2.4 million, has been awarded to Peter's Bros. Construction to resurface 25 kilometres of the road south of Big White Road and north of Beaverdell. ...

Taylor looking for nod as NDP candidate

The race for the local seat at the provincial legislature includes a new face. Grand Forks Mayor Brian Taylor filed his nomination papers today to enter as the New Democratic Party (NDP) candidate. Expecting a provincial election as soon as September, Taylor hopes that his candidacy could be declared soon but there has been...

Electricity rates climbing for Grand Forks residents

The next bill Grand Forks residents receive for electricity will likely see a 9.9 percent hike on user fees. That was the final decision from council after receiving further information from staff on the electrical budget.  Two weeks ago council rejected proposed rate increases of over 11 percent with further increases later...

Strong leadership needed for Boundary to be sustainable

Balancing self-reliance and resiliency with increasing the export economy of rural areas is the solution to creating a sustainable regional economy according to George Penford, rural innovation chair at Selkirk College. In an economy where more money comes to residents through the mail than through the mills, Penfold was clear...

Council defeats electrical rate hike

Electrical rate increases are on hold as Grand Forks city council defeated the proposed 13.9 percent hike Monday night. The rate increase was expected to be in effect on February billings to cover off increased costs from FortisBC.  “The city has been advised that the wholesale electrical rate charged to the city by FortisBC...

Can rural B.C. succeed in the future?

Occasionally, and usually during elections, public discussion and media attention turns to the state of rural B.C. and the need for more resources to assist rural communities. While the simple acknowledgement that rural BC needs more assistance is generally well received by everyone interested in such matters, what is lacking...

Ministry staff are keeping an eye on the Kettle River

The need for monitoring and controlling future water flows in the Kettle River is no longer a question with 582 water licences along the river and repeated annual low flow levels. The Kettle is the number one endangered river in B.C. and government staff are more than aware of the challenges for both water quality and fish ...

The Battle for the Gilpin take two or twenty-two??

There is only one possible perfect solution in the battle over the Gilpin Grasslands for activist Barry Brandow – the removal of cattle from the park. But just dealing with the cattle is not going to be enough to protect the delicate grassland ecosystem, unique in the entire province of B.C. The park is also under threat from...

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