

All candidates forum - round three Midway

Despite nine candidates vying for four seats the Midway all candidates forum had an almost friendly tone.  All of the candidates were at the meeting giving locals a chance to meet their future representatives and hear their positions on issues. As with other meetings in the region, there are no hot buttons in Midway right...

Trustee forum challenged candidates in informal setting

 A small group of Christina Lake voters came out on Tuesday night to hear from the only candidates up for election in their area – school trustees. Two individuals are standing for election in the small community – Sally Garcelon (incumbent) and Cindy Strukoff. In the intimate gathering Garcelon and Strukoff shared some of ...

In 2009 BC Liberals proportionately outspent 2008 Obama campaign

Barack Obama has nothing on the BC Liberals when it comes to campaign spending, according to an estimate released today by IntegrityBC.  Relying on US Federal Election Commission (FEC) figures, IntegrityBC estimates that the 2008 Obama campaign cost $5.10 per registered voter compared to the $5.54 per voter spent by the BC ...

LETTER: Area E representative doesn't make the grade

To the Editor; Boundary Environmental Alliance (BEA) works to protect natural resources in the Boundary. A primary focus is the Kettle River watershed and BEA has called (repeatedly) for a comprehensive watershed management planning process for the Kettle.  In our full report card http://www.boundaryalliance.org/baird.pdf we...

LETTER: Report cards may be added to teachers' duties by labour board

The purpose of this letter is to share more current information with you regarding the strike action being taken by the members of the British Columbia Teachers’ Federation (BCTF).At the time of writing, teachers throughout the Province of British Columbia areentering their third month of strike activity and are still in Phase...

BC MP Nathan Cullen brings leadership campaign to West Kootenays

Nathan Cullen is visiting the West Kootenays and Grand Forks November 13, 14 and 15, as part of his campaign to lead the federal NDP. Cullen, a four-term MP from the northern BC riding of Skeena-Bulkley Valley, is on a prolonged tour of his home province."One of the things I like most about British Columbia is it's so far...

Why Iceland should be in the news, but is not

By Deena Stryker in SACSIS.An Italian radio program's story about Iceland’s on-going revolution is a stunning example of how little our media tells us about the rest of the world. Americans may remember that at the start of the 2008 financial crisis, Iceland literally went bankrupt.  The reasons were mentioned only in passing,...

Sentinel is home to the best election coverage in the region

Local government elections are underway and the Sentinel is pleased to be giving you the best coverage in the region!  By now you have noticed the profiles of the candidates appearing on our site. All candidates are welcome to provide us with answers to a set of questions so that you, the reader, can compare their responses....

SUMMING IT UP: Grand Forks City Council

The last meeting of Grand Forks city council to hear delegations until after the elections in November heard from the citizen-driven heritage review committee and later adopted their recommendations.  Representing the committee, Ken Flagel presented the report on recommendations for a downtown heritage program to create and...


Candidates are declared for the upcoming local government elections with a selection of people running in every area. All candidates meetings will give everyone the opportunity to feel out the different nominees in the next month. In Grand Forks the all candidates meeting for council and mayors will take place Wednesday, Nov....

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