

Budgets nearly a wrap for Grand Forks council

Over $114,000 of community funding requests are still undecided for Grand Forks city council as they approved three readings of their five year financial bylaw at their last meeting, yet the increase to general revenue is still over six percent. Council has included three community requests in the budget that was put forward...

Teachers set to vote on action plan mid-April

With spring break coming to an end, Boundary teachers are returning to business as usual Monday, April 2, at least until a province-wide vote is taken April 17 and 18 to accept an action plan to challenge Bill 22. "In our district, phase one is over and job action is over. We're back to somewhat normal conditions," said Norm...

Court decision keeps health care intact

The B.C. Supreme Court today told the BC Anesthesiologists’ Society its members cannot withdraw services from B.C. hospitals, at least not until after the judge rules on Apr. 20 on an injunction request from health authorities. The decision means no elective procedures or surgeries will be postponed as previously expected, ...

Mourning Mulcair’s win

There will be lots of soul searching and head scratching going on this week about what happened with the NDP leadership race. The mechanics of the convention, the interesting lack of deal-making, and how the balloting progressed are all fodder for those who enjoy going through the entrails of leadership conventions. Others ...

New concept of community forests underway in West Boundary

West Boundary residents are learning about what it will be like to own a community forest through a consultation process underway in the area. Recent public meetings were held in both Greenwood and Midway to give locals a chance to hear about the proposed community forest and voice concerns. The session in Greenwood was...

LETTER: Paving regional trails still the best option

Dear Editor: After reading the letters and responses regarding the proposed paving of the Trans Canada Trail between Grand Forks and Christina Lake, I feel compelled to respond. The Grand Forks Community Trails Society and the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary partnered in this project. While there have been a large...

Abattoir will finally be a reality

After four years of hard work and advocacy funding is finally in place for the construction of a mobile abattoir for the Boundary region. The realization of years of work for volunteers committed to reviving the flagging meat production in the East Boundary area, the project’s final piece in the funding puzzle fell into place...

Midway and Greenwood score grants from the province

News on funding proposal decisions for recreation improvements across the Boundary region came through this week with the Village of Midway and the City of Greenwood coming up as winners. The Village of Midway will receive $400,000 from the Ministry of Community, Sport, and Cultural Development's Community Recreation Program...

Budget could be short as much as $500,000 for Grand Forks

Tough decisions are due this week as Grand Forks city council considers how high they are prepared to go for this year’s budget. The basic budget is calculated at a shortfall of $100,000 and, if council agrees to fund all the requests they have received, the additional cost to the annual budget is nearly $500,000 or about 16...

Liberal government approves Jumbo Glacier Resort development, opposing sides remain divided after announcement from Victoria

It’s a decision that took more than 20 years to make, but despite the B.C. Government giving approval to Jumbo Glacier Resort Master Development, the fight no doubt will go on for another two decades. "After more than 20 years of comprehensive and exhaustive reviews, it was time to make a decision,” said Steve Thomson, Minister...

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