

SYRIA: Arm the rebels

This was published at Foreign Policy. There are some, perhaps many, Syrians who detest their government and are entirely aware of its treasonous nature — yet wish for the demonstrations and the guerrilla actions of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) to stop and for President Bashar al-Assad’s regime to regain control as soon as...

Waste not, want not new motto for Grand Forks

When it comes to talking trash Grand Forks city council has taken the topic to heart with the expansion of the organics recycling program for the entire city by October of this year. Started in January of this year, the Val Mar area of the city with 128 homes has had the green bin pilot project for food waste collection...

LESOTHO: Peaceful elections in an African nation you've probably never heard of

Lesotho held peaceful parliamentary elections on Sunday. The ruling Democratic Congress of Prime Minister Pakalitha Mosisili won most votes but fell short of the required majority. Lesotho opposition parties have formed a coalition in order to form government. Why is Western mainstream media not telling you about Lesotho's ...

What is to be done when 'Harper is us'?

There is one basic, foundational ground on which all politics in Canada must find traction, or not have any effect. This is it. Less than 15% of the people are "political" as part of their daily thinking and activity. They are the few to whom the actions of politicians, and their words and opinions, matter. The rest are not...

Injured but motivated Basso does marathon across the Boundary

After completing a four day cross constituency marathon New Democratic Party candidate Marji Basso stepped out at a fundraising reception in Grand Forks alongside party leader Adrian Dix. Plagued by a calf muscle injury, Basso completed the marathon-level tour in what Grand Forks mayor Brian Taylor called “good old fashioned...

Date set for BC Family Day in February

Ed. Note: The following is a press release issued by the government of B.C. Premier Christy Clark, along with Margaret MacDiarmid, Minister of Labour, Citizens' Services and Open Government were joined by local families at the Vancouver Aquarium today to announce that B.C.'s Family Day will take place on the second Monday in...

Donation makes helipad possible

Boundary-Similkameen MLA John Slater was joined today by Interior Health’s Board Chair Norman Embree and Interior Health’s chief executive officer Dr. Robert Halpenny to announce the building of a heliport for the Boundary Hospital in Grand Forks. Heliport construction is possible thanks to generous donations from the Clifton...

NDP calls on province to fight GMO apples

New Democrats are calling on the B.C. Liberals to defend the B.C. fruit industry by working with the federal government to keep the province free of genetically modified fruit. "The B.C. tree fruit industry produces healthy products that are world famous for flavour and purity.  Growers are concerned that this marketing...

Midway mill logs top billing

The Boundary Sawmill start-up took top marks last week as community project of the year at the B.C. Economic Summit. The Economic Development Association of BC (EDABC) and BC Hydro announced the winners of the 2012 BC Economic Development Awards at the banquet held Tuesday, May 15, in Richmond, B.C. Mayor Randy Kappes was on...

SUMMING IT UP: Grand Forks City Council

Taxes, branding, and water metering were all on the table at Grand Forks city council. The tax bylaws, introduced at council on May 7, were passed in a final reading at a special meeting on May 15. The overall impact for the average homeowner will be about a four percent increase or for a home worth $230,000 about $32.10....

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