

City council looking for public input on pot debate

The public is invited to make their last pitch on the pot issue during a regular city council meeting Monday, August 20. Marjuana and the Stop the Violence BC campaign has been put on the agenda for the annual Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) conference being held in Victoria, September 24 to 28. Grand Forks ...

CAO bids a fond farewell as she heads into retirement

Few jobs can hold as many satisfactions and challenges as the one Lynne Burch has held. The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) for the City of Grand Forks has been working for the municipality for the past 25 years, the final three as the CAO of our dynamic community. Burch is set to retire November 3. "There are a lot of...

B.C. employment figures show lag

Employment numbers in British Columbia dipped in July after slight gains in June, as full-time positions replaced losses of part-time positions. In B.C., 14,500 jobs were lost, reflecting a national trend, as 30,400 jobs were lost across Canada. However, full-time positions in B.C. increased by 9,600 from June 2012, and the...

Romney announces running mate Congressman Ryan

Yesterday, in front of the USS Wisconsin in Norfolk, Virginia, presumptive Republican presidential nominee, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney selected Congressman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin as his running mate. Paul Ryan prepares to deliver his acceptance speech after Mitt Romney's introduction. After an introduction from...

Canada and Afghanistan

As we approach 2014 Canada will be preparing to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan.  However, at the request of the US Pentagon, the Prime Minister has opened the door to leaving behind a contingent of Canadian Special Forces beyond the NATO withdrawal date to assist with Afghan Commando training. Our Special Forces have ...

Return to PST should prompt tax reform, says Fraser Institute

If BC wants to reduce the negative effects that reintroducing the provincial sales tax will have on the province’s investment climate, it should consider exempting all business inputs from the PST, among other reforms, says Charles Lammam, Fraser Institute associate director of tax and budget policy research. The recommendations...

SUMMING IT UP: Grand Forks City Council

Along with being located across the road from each other, the slag pile and the landfill were also the key topics of interest at Grand Forks city council’s last meeting. Tim Dueck, solid waste management co-ordinator with the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB), was on hand at the meeting talking to the success of...

OP/ED: The Northern Oil Pipeline is 2013′s BIG Election issue

The battle lines are being drawn--maybe even purposefully manipulated--to give the Liberals at least some hope of retaining power in  BC’s next provincial election. It would have seemed implausible and statistically impossible only a few weeks ago for the Liberals to have a chance, given every poll over the past year. However...

Women's rights activist won't be silenced by right wing political tactics

By: Wikinews In an opinion piece published by CNN on Tuesday, Georgetown University law student and women's rights advocate Sandra Fluke insisted she will not allow slurs from critics to silence her and other women from continuing to speak out on issues regarding women's health and contraception. Fluke has faced slurs and...

OP/ED: B.C.'s Auditor General short changed by government

It's time to give B.C.'s Auditor General the necessary financial resources and tools to do the job, according to figures released by IntegrityBC today which compared the budget of B.C.'s Auditor General with that of his counterpart in Alberta For the fiscal year 2012-13, B.C.'s Auditor General has an annual budget of $15.75...

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