

OP/ED: A B.C.government for the people…not at the expense of the people

Today I couldn’t help but wonder…at what point in a politician’s life does spewing hypocritical crap become so second nature that they fail to smell the aroma of the barnyard they’re sitting in? It was a mere two weeks ago when the story broke of excessive and frivolous spending in government, not only by the premier, but by...

Egyptian Premier Morsi back Syrian rebels in speech

Egyptian President, Mohamed Morsi, strongly backed the Syrian rebels Thursday in a speech at the Non-Aligned Movement Summit in Iran. Morsi, a Sunni Muslim and member of the Muslim Brotherhood, is the first Egyptian leader in 30 years to visit Iran – an ally of Syrian Prime Minister Bashar al-Assad's Shi'ite dominated regime....

COMMENT: Nuke the moon!

Okay, time to stop worrying about climate change. Turns out we can just change the climate. How? Well, maybe we should just nuke the moon. (Apparently if we can shift its orbit to block more sunlight, oil companies can keep drilling, the politicians in their pockets can keep doing nothing and gas-guzzling SUV drivers can laugh...

Big White road gets a helping hand

Residents, tourists, and industry alike will benefit from improvements to the road surface on Big White Road, near Highway 33, southeast of Kelowna. This resurfacing benefits area residents, ski tourists, the forest industry and commercial vehicles along this important corridor with a safer and smoother ride. The 11 kilometres...

A vibrant downtown creates business attraction for growth

Building a vibrant downtown core takes time but is completely worthwhile was the message shared with Grand Forks’ business owners last week. In a presentation sponsored by the Grand Forks economic development committee, Barb Haynes from the Downtown Penticton Association (DPA) gave encouragement for local businesses to aim ...

SUMMING IT UP: Grand Forks City Council

Last week’s Grand Forks city council meeting was jam packed with delegations from the dog park, and the Marshall Lake conservation group as well as the more practical work of bylaw approvals. Dog park Users of the local dog park, located on 18 Street at the south end of the Evergreen cemetery, are asking for council’s support...

COMMENT: Too much Happy Valley farm … or too little imagination?

Recent comments by Coun. Cary Fisher and Coun. Jill Spearn—regarding Brenda Trenholme's appeal to subdivide her Happy Valley property—taste like a slice of logical swiss cheese on a slab of imagination tofu. And you'll need a pinch of salt for the cracker too. Sure, sure, everyone's in favour of local agriculture. Just not ...

Council says no to regulating marijuana

Grand Forks city council voted a resounding “no” to the idea of supporting the regulation and taxation of marijuana last night. As a follow up to previous conversations at the council table about the Stop the Violence BC campaign, started by a group of B.C. mayors and law enforcement authorities to pressure provincial and...

BCGEU stages one-day strike in support of fair and acceptable agreement

More than 50 B.C. Government Employee Union members walked off the job Monday at the Nelson Ministry of Forests regional office on the North Shore to protest the lack of movement on current talks with the B.C. Government. “We’re off today trying to achieve a fair and acceptable agreement,” said Doug Kinna of the BCGEU provincial...

U.S. Reform party nominates presidential candidate

Fitness model Andre Barnett of Poughkeepsie, New York won the presidential nomination of the Reform Party of the United States at its national convention in Philadelphia last weekend. Consultant Kenneth Cross was selected as his running mate. Barnett, who founded the company WiseDome, became a fitness model after suffering ...

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