


Stephen Harper, too, shall pass into history, recorded as one of the most destructive, personally malignant personalities ever to have soiled the Canadian political landscape. But in the meantime, Canadians are so distracted by his political blitzkrieg through the agencies, policies, programs and institutions that make Canada...

Obscure US corporation may be behind BC Hydro's exaggerated power demand, ruinous IPP contracts

By Erik Anderson in The Common Sense Canadian. Why has BC Hydro gone so Big?   Over the past few years a number of us have puzzled over this question. The Crown Corporation, in most people’s minds, was given its natural monopoly status in the belief that the Board and Officers will prudently manage Hydro’s ...

Atamanenko Concerned About Proposed Changes to Meat Inspection Regulations

New Democrat MP, Alex Atamanenko (BC southern Interior) is appalled by the reckless changes to Meat Inspection Regulations (MIR) being proposed by the Conservative government that will leave Canadians wondering if the meat they buy is actually safe. Private inspectors, who may not be qualified, would now be able to inspect ...

COMMENT: TRIUMF Lab helps make case for electoral finance reform

Who would ever have thought that a single political donor could have disclosed so much about the sorry state of affairs surrounding money and politics in B.C. In what they now call a “learning experience,” TRIUMF – Canada's nuclear physics laboratory located at the University of British Columbia – finally acknowledged last ...

MP Atamanenko urges government to uphold ban on oil tanker traffic

Forty years ago, the Canadian government introduced a moratorium banning oil tankers from the north and central coast of British Columbia. Now with hearings taking place into the Enbridge Northern Gateway project, Alex Atamanenko, Member of Parliament for BC Southern Interior, is urging the federal government to uphold that...

Canadian swordfish eco-certified despite deaths of endangered sea turtles and sharks

Despite strong opposition from conservation organizations, the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) has granted eco-certification to Nova Scotia’s swordfish longline fishery which is responsible for killing 35,000 sharks and 200-500 endangered sea turtles each year as ‘bycatch’. According to yesterday’s announcement by the MSC,...

TAX TIP: Savings for tradespersons

Did you know that being a tradesperson may make you eligible for certain deductions? Some of these include Deduction for tools. You may be able to deduct the cost of eligible tools you bought in 2011 to earn employment income as a tradesperson (including apprentice mechanics). This cost includes any GST and provincial sales...

How many roads?

Bob Dylan wrote the lyrics; Peter, Paul and Mary recorded it in the early 1960s and I, coming of age as a young civil rights supporter and believer,  always found the song "Blowin' In The Wind" as evocative, emotional and energizing as the fight for equality and social justice took hold in the U.S. and Canada, including the...

Budget 2012: At least the war on the environment is going well

Until this year, the purpose of the annual Canadian federal budget was to project government revenues, lay out spending priorities and forecast economic conditions for the upcoming year. Reading Budget 2012, announced last week by Finance Minister Jim Flaherty, it soon becomes clear that this government has no intention of ...

Mourning Mulcair’s win

There will be lots of soul searching and head scratching going on this week about what happened with the NDP leadership race. The mechanics of the convention, the interesting lack of deal-making, and how the balloting progressed are all fodder for those who enjoy going through the entrails of leadership conventions. Others ...

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