

LIBRARY MUSINGS: Don't miss the book sale or garden talk at the library

Hi Folks! Here’s what’s going on at the library: Book Sale It’s almost here – starting Thursday, April 25 at 10 am (come be a part of the lineup!), and wrapping up on Saturday, April 27 at 3 pm. We’ve got books for all ages, fiction and non-fiction, and it’s all by donation. Fabulous Friday We’ll be having another of our...

COMMENT: Shark Finning – An Immoral Practice

I recently had the opportunity to speak and offer support for Bill C-380, An Act to Amend the Fish Inspection Act and the Fisheries Act, which would prohibit the importation of shark fins not attached to the rest of the shark and enshrine in legislation Canada's prohibition on finning.  This bill was introduced by my colleague,...

COMMENT: Election

Once every four years citizens are offered a brief reprieve from the responsibility of endless decisions about matters concerning their kids, their homes, and their work; of just getting along and making ends meet. Once every four years we are inundated with propaganda telling us that all the problems associated with the...

COMMENT: B.C. Liberals in no position to give other parties lessons on political fundraising

It's a bit rich for the B.C. Liberal party to be giving lessons to the BC NDP on political fundraising, as they tried to do over the weekend after the NDP sent a fundraising appeal to corporate Liberal party donors. The Liberals might have been well-advised to leave well enough alone, if for no other reason than it might...

COMMENT: Clark’s pitch ignores reality

For a while, I was wondering whether Christy Clark and her supporters realized THEY were in government, not opposition! They all spent much of the Liberals’ half-hour paid advertisement on Global TV Sunday night warning against the evils of deficits and debt: BC NEEDS a balanced budget “for our kids”; BC should NOT leave those...

Humans: half-way beings, balancing our dual lives on both sides of the Phanos

To begin, and to keep my focus sharpened, I will quote what I set out last column as my goal: “My subject for next column is, can we look to “old-fashioned” mystery-teachings to lead us forward?   Can “return” to pagan or medieval astrology, kabbalah, alchemy or magick, work for us now? Does the East have spiritual truths to...

COMMENT: Parents need to take action to prevent cyberbullying

Like most parents in Canada, I have grieved for Rehtaeh Parsons, the 17-year-old teenager that committed suicide April 7 after being sexually assaulted two years ago. After the assault, she was cyberbullied until her breaking point. As a parent, this terrifies me. I know I am in way over my head. Every parent feels that “kids...

Don’t plant until the snow is off Galena

“Don’t plant until the snow is off Galena” is what I was told when I moved to Grand Forks. This is considered local folklore but can also be considered phenology. Phenology is “the science of appearances”. It is the study of how changes in one species can be used to predict changes in another. Usual predictors are lilacs,...

COMMENT: Time for outrage!

The day I picked up a copy of Stéphane Hessel’s Time for Outrage! at my local bookstore was the day the Royal Bank of Canada’s hiring practices made headlines. There was confusion about what RBC was being accused of. Was it outsourcing? Was it off-shoring? Was it an abuse of the temporary foreign workers’ program? Whatever ...

COMMENT: Change cannot come soon enough

As we move towards the end of another session of Parliament I always like to reflect on the events of the past year.  Locally my office has continued to assist constituents who run into difficulties with the federal government bureaucracy.  We have been able to help people in obtaining justice from Revenue Canada and Citizenship...

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