

Moving Beyond Our Obsession with Stephen Harper

Remember Brian Mulroney, the PM so many people loved to hate? We need to remember him so we can learn a lesson from that period in our political history: there is a real danger in demonizing prime ministers to the exclusion of other longer term political objectives. Mulroney’s unctuous manner, his arrogance and his shameless...

What is a postmodern Mind? Ask Rob Ford

The twentieth century was the century of the Self, according to some historians of modern social and cultural studies. Freud and the psychologists dominated discourse on human mind; rampant ideologies infected the public opinion of modern nations, and international politics, until near the end of that century. But towards its...

LETTER: Over-the-top random act of kindness renews reader's faith in people

My name is Jennifer Williams and I live in Trail, B.C., Canada, and on our Canadian Thanksgiving weekend (Oct. 12-14) I decided that I would take my kids (10 and 7) to do some grocery shopping and visit the Pumpkin Patch and Corn Maze I have heard so much about in Colville and not to mention visit my father, who lives there...

COMMENT: Harper,why we must stop the Canada-China FIPA and the deal you still don’t really know about

There are two very important things I would ask my readers to do today. First, head on over to this page.  There, you will find detailed and easy to understand instructions on how to register your comments with the sadly flawed, final environmental assessment for the Canada China FIPA that must be stopped. Please do so,because...

Here's what 'my senate' would look like

What to do about the Senate? Abolishing it would put a merciful end to this remnant of royal trappings. Judging by the experience of the past few years, however, abolishing the Senate would bring us closer to a Vladimir Putin style democracy. I do not want to abolish the Senate, I want to see it restructured with a new focus...

COMMENT: What would a trade agreement intended to benefit all Canadians look like?

This is of more than academic concern right now as the Harper Conservative government will eventually unveil the full details of the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA). From what we know about it now this agreement is little more than a ‘corporate bill of rights’. It gives corporations...

COMMENT: Translating science

Even though I found it stultifying, the secondary school I attended was considered quite progressive, largely because students could elect in third year to stream their arts and science education into arts or science. I couldn’t wait to free myself of math and science. I was fine with basic arithmetic, but when teachers started...

MP says C-4 an omnibus affront to our democratic process

BC Southern Interior MP Alex Atamanenko is critical of the latest Budget Implementation Act, Bill C-4. The 300-page bill amends dozens of acts and contains many measures that are not budgetary.  “Once again, the Conservatives are trying to cram through major changes without sufficient study by Parliament.  What is disturbing...

COMMENT: Brendan rides his bike into the sunset - thanks to you!

So often, in news coverage, valuable opinion/editorial writing requires focussing on controversy and those issues which divide us (this has been particularly true in The Source of late), so it's a real delight when I get to write about something unreservedly wonderful. On Oct. 9, a reader named Angela Erickson posted this...

COMMENT: Fraudulent “Robocalls” Used Conservative Party Voter Database

 Over the past year we have heard a great deal about various voter-suppression phone calls or “robocalls,” as they have become known, that were made during the last federal election. Six applicants from six federal ridings sought an annulment under the Canada Elections Act of the 2011 election results in those ridings, based...

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