

COMMENT: Flavoured tobacco products aimed at kids, should be banned in BC

We are third year nursing students at UBC-Okanagan and are writing in regard to the growing amount of flavoured tobacco products available today. With National Non-Smoking Week upon us, we feel it is important to address this concern specifically because of the way these products are being marketed towards youth. When you...

COMMENT: Auditor General Takes Aim

The truly horrible derailment in Lac Megantic and the XL Foods recall saga are two significant events that shook Canadians’ faith in our regulatory system in the last year. The federal agencies that oversee the regulations, Transport Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), were among the subjects covered in...

Kettle River Q&A – What’s next for the Watershed Plan?

Last May I wrote about the keys to successful watershed management – how planning groups need to work hard to build understanding, support, and capacity through the entire planning process. Now, the RDKB and the Kettle River Watershed Management Plan Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG) are building the foundations for long-term...

OP/ED: GFRec needs more flexible pool rates

I want to start this op/ed piece by stressing that as far as I know, the recreation board has not raised their rates at this time. I don’t know if they are going to in the future. Regardless, I feel the recreation facilities need to be more affordable for everyone. Late last year there was some talk about the RDKB increasing...

COMMENT: MLA makes connections with seniors

A new year is a great opportunity to share my enthusiasm for my commitment to work hard for British Columbia’s seniors and their families. As Parliamentary Secretary for Seniors, I look forward to continuing to connect with as many British Columbians as I can throughout the province. What better time to reconnect with B.C.’s...

COMMENT: The Pathology of Wealth

Another day, another $46,634. That is, if you’re among Canada’s top 100 CEOs, who pocketed that amount by 1:11 pm January 2, the first official day of work this New Year. This figure comes from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA), which releases a report every January on the hyper-inflated difference between ...

Are we reptiles or mammals?

“Civilization is the flower of humanity; its roots are not planted in societies of equal human beings. All our greatest cultural glories are growths out of hierarchy. Those who make our culture brilliant – our arts, architecture, sciences, in short, all beauty and creativity we humans have to show – have done it on the backs...

OP/ED: MP decries erosion of democracy in Parliament

As most of us are aware, Parliament was prorogued this fall. This means that, instead of beginning its work on Sept.16, there was a delay until Oct.16. The delay, or prorogation, was requested by the Prime Minister and approved by the Governor General. The immediate effect was that all government bills and committee work were...

OP/ED: Mayor looks back on 2013

I believe that 2013 was a great year for Castlegar. City council, composed of dedicated re-elected veterans with extensive experience and a profound understanding of city operations, and others serving their first term, worked together to begin new initiatives while maintaining our efficient service delivery to our residents...

COMMENT: B.C. government's double standard on electoral boundaries ill-advised

Long-time political watchers in B.C. will know what's meant by Gracie's finger. It was one of Canada's most blatant acts of political gerrymandering. In 1982, then Social Credit cabinet minister Grace McCarthy was suspected of using her influence to have her Little Mountain riding boundaries redrawn to include a sliver of a...

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