

Canadian Forest Industry Will Help Reach Your Economic and Environmental Goals

With the federal election now behind us, the new Prime Minister can and must promote the economy and the environment in the first few weeks of his mandate. The foundation for both future economic stability and environmental sustainability will be laid for decades to come based on two significant global initiatives — the...

Alberta’s personal income tax rate hikes will likely bring in $1.7 billion less than expected

The Alberta government will likely receive $1.7 billion less than expected from its personal income tax rate hikes, finds a new study released today by the Fraser Institute, an independent, non-partisan think-tank. The study, Alberta’s Personal Income Tax Increases Likely to Yield Less Revenue than Expected, calculates the ...

OP/ED: BC Government patronage appointments mean little or no push back

New York Senator William L. Marcy could have just as easily been referring to B.C. in 2015 – and not the 1828 victory of the Jackson Democrats – when he boasted "to the victor belong the spoils." Even he would have marvelled at the spoils available in B.C. Other provinces have their Crown corps and spots on various boards to...

More students deciding independent schools better than public

Private school enrolment across Canada is up by almost 17 per cent while public school enrolment has decreased eight per cent, according to a new study released today by the Fraser Institute, an independent, non-partisan Canadian public policy think-tank. The study, Where Our Students are Educated: Measuring Student Enrolment...

LETTERS: Have Canadian voters learned nothing?

Dear Editor, Canadians can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel in this extended election period but, incredibly, the polls show that there is a slight chance   the most brazenly corrupt government in Canadian history could be returned to power instead of obliterated off the political map. A government that attacked...

Failed government policies ultimate cause of Ontario’s dismal fiscal, economic performance

The roots of Ontario’s decline from economic powerhouse to economic laggard can be found in a decade of failed government policies, concludes a new study released today by the Fraser Institute, an independent, non-partisan Canadian public policy think-tank. “For decades, Ontario was the economic engine of Canada with workers...

Sometimes breaking up can be a good thing, but never for the taxpayer

Neil Sedaka is right breaking up is hard to do. It's also expensive. On September 15, residents of Vancouver learned that former chief administrator officer (CAO) Penny Ballem's services had been “concluded” that day by Mayor Gregor Robertson. Ballem, 65, will receive $556,000 as a parting gift for the hastily arranged exit....

The long story of Partnerships BC

There are those who execute contracts and those who award them. In B.C., when it comes to provincially-funded infrastructure projects, valued at more than $50 million, there's a gatekeeper: Partnerships BC. Tough to keep track of all the comings and goings at the Crown corporation. In 2007, there were 26 senior employees at...

From More to Enough

“We need things consumed, burned up, replaced, and discarded at an ever-accelerating rate.”– Victor Lebow, Journal of Retailing, 1955 Come, gather round, and let’s write a new story. This story will be about nurturant change and provide you with physical and emotional care and nourishment.  It will also alter the way you live...

LETTER: Top two federal parties suppressing and oppressing working class Canada

Is The US Dollar Collapsing, or is it Not? There are three schools of thought on where the US dollar is headed, some say it will be dead before Sept. 2015  is over. Some believe it is business as usual, while a third group points to the US dollar as deflating. Now I’m a Canadian, and personally, I do not care who is right, ...

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