

LETTER: Selkirk students campaign against college tuition increases

Dear Editor, Since 2001, tuition has increased annually for Selkirk College students.. Last year alone, the cost of attending Selkirk College from the year previous to the current academic year jumped 6.6 per cent. Last year, tuition fees were introduced for adult basic education, which are high school courses taken at the ...

Vast majority of government infrastructure spending unlikely to grow economy

Only 11 cents of every dollar in new federal government infrastructure spending will be spent on highways, bridges, railways and ports—projects that can actually help improve Canada’s economy, finds a new study by the Fraser Institute, an independent, non-partisan Canadian public policy think-tank. This finding corroborates...

'I don't want to, but I will because it's an election year' budget

If last year's provincial budget could be described as petty, after Finance minister Mike de Jong doled out an increase in assistance rates for those living with disabilities, only to claw must of it back by ending the subsidized bus pass program, this year's budget could best be described as petulant. This is de Jong's “I ...

Letter: Would taxpayers approve?

To The Editor: The issue of problems with the quality of care in senior facilities has been widely reported in the last year which has been confirmed by the Senior Advocates Reports. As a result of these reports, the citizens of BC have been expecting some news of improvements concerning staffing levels, enforcement procedures...

Party hack screams hacked

Splat. It would seem British Columbia's 41st general election is well underway. The uproar this week over news that someone may have hacked the B.C. Liberal party's website is a harbinger of things to come, so fasten your seat belts. Lost in the charges and counter-charges over the alleged hack is a characteristic most hackers...

A Resister’s Guide

“Government was intended to suppress injustice, but its effect has been to embody and perpetuate it.” – William Godwin Like Henry David Thoreau, I heartily agree with the motto – “That government is best which governs least”. When one considers the long list of problems that our governments have tried unsuccessfully to resolve,...

OP/ED: Spending is to blame for Alberta's $10.8 billion deficit

The Alberta government could have posted a small budget surplus this year if successive governments had kept program spending increases in line with population growth and inflation, finds a new study released today by the Fraser Institute, an independent, non-partisan Canadian public policy think-tank. But Alberta’s new...

Opinion: Restrictions on Smoking Outdoors?

(Editor's Note:  The article below is contributed by the Canadian Cancer Society.  Readers should note that on January 9, 2017, the City of Trail  adopted Bylaw #2821, which restricts outdoor smoking.  It says:  " 2.1.  No person shall smoke: (a) In any Park; (b) At or within 6.0 metres of a Recreation Facility;  (c) At an ...

COLUMN: A look at New Zealand's electoral system

I spent the first weeks of 2017 in New Zealand, celebrating my son’s wedding to a Kiwi girl.  After the wedding, my wife and I drove around some of that beautiful country, enjoying the beaches, birds, wines and green grass of summer.  Fresh apricots in January were a real treat!...

Bernie Sanders' style grassroots fundraising it's not

Mere hours before the New York Times went to press with its look at the B.C. Liberal party's ethical scorecard, the party chose to get its 2016 fundraising results out ahead of the storm. One last chance at political counter-spin and what a marvel of spin it was. U.S. Republican party strategist Karl Rove would have been...

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