

Canada’s personal income tax turns 100

After 100 years of taxing Canadians, the personal income tax, which began as a small wartime revenue generator, has morphed into a costly, complex behemoth that’s difficult to administer and makes Canada very uncompetitive, finds a new collection of essays by the Fraser Institute, an independent, non-partisan Canadian public...

New specialty licence plates support charity, non-profit organizations

Building on the success of the BC Parks licence plates unveiled earlier this year, ICBC is working to expand its specialty plate program to include support for charities and not-for-profit organizations.  "The response to the BC Parks plates from British Columbians has been tremendous, with more than 14,000 Parks plates sold...

COLUMN: From the Hill -- 2017 Budget Comments

As I discussed in my last column, the federal government had an opportunity in last week’s budget to finally start closing the growing income inequality gap in Canada. But, unfortunately the Liberals chose tax breaks for wealthy Canadians and giveaways to large corporations over helping the unemployed, veterans, and Indigenous...

Wanted: more walk, less talk in today’s federal budget

The federal government missed a key opportunity to walk the walk and tackle income inequality in today’s federal budget, says Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives’ Senior Economist David Macdonald. “While there are some positive aspects to Budget 2017,” Macdonald says, “let’s not mistake this for the bold, visionary...

Bad Service, No Tip — Insights West Survey

Insights West is a progressive, Western-based, full-service marketing research company said a recent survey revealed a third of British Columbians refuse to tip at restaurants where they perceive to have received bad service. However, the survey went on to say most are happy to reward food servers with a higher gratuity if ...

City announces Trail airport terminal building call for tenders

The City of Trail announced last week that it has launched a call for tenders inviting eligible contractors to bid on the civil works and construction of the Trail Regional Airport Terminal Building. The tender, released March 8, closes March 28, at 3 p.m. PST and will require the successful contractor to start construction...

Teck Trail Operations Completes Construction of Groundwater Treatment Plant

Teck Trail Operations has completed construction of the Groundwater Treatment Plant, a $46-million investment to address groundwater affected by the site’s historical activities. Commissioning of the plant is currently under way, and the plant is expected to be fully operational by summer 2017. “The Groundwater Treatment Plant...

It pays to be a government employee in Alberta

With the Alberta government set to unveil another large budget deficit next week, a new study by the Fraser Institute finds that all public-sector workers in the province — including federal, provincial and municipal employees — receive higher pay, on average, than comparable workers in the private sector and enjoy more...

Trail market features new logo, 2017 summer dates

The City of Trail and the United Way of Trail & District have formed a new partnership to bring you the 2017 Trail Market on the Esplanade. Stroll along the beautiful river walk to enjoy our community market that features entertainment and various vendors who sell fresh produce, handmade jewellery, fragrant soaps, fashionable...

Vast majority of government infrastructure spending unlikely to grow economy

Only 11 cents of every dollar in new federal government infrastructure spending will be spent on highways, bridges, railways and ports—projects that can actually help improve Canada’s economy, finds a new study by the Fraser Institute, an independent, non-partisan Canadian public policy think-tank. This finding corroborates...

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