

Editorial: We aren't enlightened, we're just short of workers

Will the new Builders Code help women and other minorities survive in the trades? Time will tell. Race and gender still provoke ostracism, bullying, harassment, hazing … call it what you will, it is all too common, and it creates a toxic workplace, especially for those at whom it’s directed.  In some cases,...

$50,000 to save forest above Cottonwood Lake may be too little, too late

Caught off guard by a plan to log more than 600 hectares of treasured local forest, residents near Cottonwood Lake discovered that privately owned lands can be clearcut without public notice, consultation with neighbours or the requirement to replant logged areas By Judith Lavoie, for The Narwhal Against a dramatic backdrop...

Forum: State of the Kootenays: An Economic Update slated for next month in Castlegar

Castlegar & District Economic Development and the Chamber of Commerce will be hosting an exciting event on April 11. The event, titled the State of the Kootenays: An Economic Update, is Castlegar & District’s Economic Development’s first ever Economic Forum. The event will be on April 11 from 6 - 8.30 p.m., with a...

Editorial: Skiing and Logging in the Rossland Range Recreation Site

Skiers accessing Cutblock Peak and environs:  please contain your irritation about the logging operation there that is inconveniencing you – it won’t be there for much longer.  Please stay well clear of the logging -- and please do not park on the logging road, or try to ignore the logging operations.  Here’s why: First, let’s...

Canada obliged to protect future generations from climate change, test case on carbon tax hears

Young people ‘will live their entire lives under the mounting environmental, economic, and health stresses’ caused by growing greenhouse gas emissions, coalition argues By Larry Pynn, for The Narwhal When the governments of Canada and Saskatchewan publicly squared off in court in Regina this month over the constitutionality...

Zapped: Unravelling the NDP’s new spin around power prices and the Site C dam

B.C.'s NDP is now doing precisely what it criticizes the Liberals for doing — manufacturing a need for power while pushing forward with a project that produces energy that can’t be sold for even close to the price it will cost to produce it. By Sarah Cox, for The Narwhal Of all the years of political spin to...

The lucky winner of that 'Artfully Rossland' contest

For the month of December, 2018,  Tourism Rossland, The Josie, RED Mountain Resort, Stephanie Gauvin and Instinct Skis teamed up to create a contest that will send one lucky winner down the slopes in style: the Artfully Rossland contest.  The grand prize?  -- a pair of Stephanie Gauvin Artist Series Instinct Skis, 3 nights ...

Op/Ed: How B.C. quietly found a way to permit natural gas plants without environmental reviews

Internal documents released via Freedom of Information laws show that, while the B.C. government was publicly apologizing to the Fort Nelson First Nation for exempting natural gas plants from environmental assessments without consultation, the province quietly used a loophole to allow the exemptions to continue — a...

BC Hydro in court to keep Site C expenditure details from public

By Sarah Cox for The Narwhal BC Hydro has gone to court to avoid revealing the names of public employees who decide which companies are awarded lucrative Site C project contracts during construction of the $10.7 billion hydro dam. B.C.’s Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner (OIPC) ordered BC Hydro to release the...

CBT, CPC purchase control of Waneta expansion for $991 million

Columbia Basin Trust and Columbia Power Corporation announced today they have entered into an agreement with Fortis Inc. to purchase its 51-per-cent interest in the Waneta Expansion hydroelectric generating facility located near Trail, for $991 million. “We are extremely pleased to be restoring ownership to the originally...

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