

Letter: All I want for Christmas is Proportional Representation

To The Editor: A Christmas poem to all the Liberal MPs in Canada. Oh Liberal MP, oh Liberal dear Pull up a chair and lend me your ear. My tale is short, I won't keep you long Just a wee ask to fix a big wrong. Twas not long ago Trudeau made clear FPTP had had its last year. The people cheered and voted in trust that Trudeau's...

Letter: All I want for Christmas is fair voting system for Canada

To The Editor: The mydemocracy.ca survey that the government has invited all households to take part in, has been designed to confuse and ultimately dodge the vital issue of fair voting (proportional representation) in Canada. The postcard invites Canadians to take part in the national "conversation" on electoral reform however...

LETTER: Senior services sorely lacking

Dear Editor, On behalf of a large concerned group of students and local community members, it has come to our attention that there is a lack of senior support financially in the Kootenays, let alone across the province. The local Senior outreach and support program (SOS) under the Castlegar district community services that ...

LETTERS: Rebels executive needs more accountability

Dear Editor/Public: During the last year I have been asking questions of the Castlegar Hockey Society's executive (Rebel executive). I attended the AGM, became a Member in Good Standing and have continued to ask questions, which is my right and my obligation, to make sure this executive is acting in a responsible manner. I ...

Letter: Keep your Smoke Alarm Firing on all Cylinders

To The Editor: Did you replace the batteries in your smoke alarm after changing the clocks back for Daylight Saving Time? With apologies to Saskatchewan residents, who do not adjust their clocks, safety advocates have often repeated this handy mnemonic device as an easy way to remember that batteries in smoke alarms must be...

Letter: This is hardly surprising to that small percent of hunters

To The Editor: The Vancouver Sun article: “Scarce Moose” is hardly surprising to that small percent of hunters, outfitters and concerned citizens who are fully aware of the sorry state of wildlife management in BC. Weak wildlife management started to go downhill in 1996 when Premier Glen Clark facing a sea of red ink demanded...

Letter: When it comes to seniors, think again

To The Editor: October 1st is the United Nations-declared “International Day of the Older Person.” The theme this year is ageism, a prejudice that the UN describes as the most socially-normalized form of discrimination worldwide. The term was coined in 1969 to describe a form of discrimination based on age. Since this time,...

Letter: Most important political decision of our time

To The Editor: The Canadian public is faced with the most important political decision of our time. The Federal Government is know deciding on whether our not to change our voting system and is inviting public input on this decision. Our ability to vote and be fairly represented is at the core of our democratic rights. The ...

Letter: Where did the elk go?

To The Editor: Larry Hall, president of the East Kootenay Hunters Association, states that the East Kootenay now has 7,500-8,000 elk, down from 30,000.  MLA Bill Bennett agrees with Hall and then adds the diversion of wolves and bears as well as urban voters who don’t hunt. Historically, at least half of the Rocky Mountain ...

Letter: How do privately owned prisons compare with privately owned senior facilities?

To The Editor: I have been trying to increase public awareness of the poor quality of care that our seniors receive in facilities with the hope that more people will raise their voices against this outrage, to our provincial government. The Senior Advocates reports verify that the quality of care is declining due in part to...

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