

Letter: No Canadian needs to face cancer alone

To The Editor: In light of the Greyhound bus lines reducing service in British Columbia, the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) wanted to take the opportunity to reach out to any people living with cancer who may be impacted by this withdrawal of service. No matter where you live, CCS is here to ensure that no Canadian has to face...

LETTER: Huge Provincial Subsidies Threaten Health, Prosperity

Dear Editor, BC taxpayers miss out on almost a billion dollars every year due to our government's dangerous and misguided fossil fuels subsidies; dangerous because fossil fuel expansion threatens to further degrade the health of BC's citizens and environment, misguided as it unfairly skews the market away from the clean energy...

Letter: 100th anniversary of War Amps

To The Editor: As Remembrance Day approaches, I would like to pay tribute to the amputee veterans who founded The War Amps, which marks its 100th anniversary this year. On returning from the First World War, they came together to help each other adapt to their new reality. They then welcomed the next generation of amputee...

Letter: Please don't believe the lies.

To The Editor:   Would you vote for a party list without candidates? Of course, you wouldn't, and neither would anybody else. Of course, we will keep local representation under pro rep, and of course nobody will be 'appointed' an MLA unless we vote for them. How dumb do Liberal Party bosses think BC voters are that we would...

Letter: PR levels playing field

To The Editor: One of the things that first attracted me to proportional representation, PR, apart from the fact that it just made sense, is that it is supported by people across the political spectrum. At my first PR meeting in 2004, I sat next to someone from the Canadian Rate Payer's Federation and Andrew Coyne was the...

LETTER: Canadian democracy not a matter of fairness

Canadian democracy is not a matter of fairness. Since European invasion, Canada has had 200 years of colonial autocracy, then 50 years of elections without votes for women, and an additional 50 years without votes for Indigenous people. In every form democracy has taken since Confederation, it has been used to defend the...

LETTER: In opposition to Kinder Morgan

To The Editor: I was appalled to hear that the Prime Minister intends to provide a Texas extraction company with billions of tax dollars to foist their dirty pipeline on a reluctant province.  First of all, the Trudeau government has no such mandate.  This government pledged to be a proactive partner in the fight against...

OP/ED: Selkirk College tuition fee increases are a tax hike on Kootenay workers

On Feb. 27, the Selkirk College Board of Governors will vote on whether to once again increase tuition fee rates for the coming academic year. Students are reasonably agitated – the College has increased fees every year for over a decade. From 2008/09 to 2017/18, arts program tuition fees, on which average tuition fees are ...

Letter: A decision for all British Columbians

To The Editor: In response to 'From the Leg:' by Linda Larson published on December 11th: In BC we use an electoral system called 'First Past The Post' (FPTP), a system that most of the developed world has abandoned due to a number of issues — a notable one being 'the spoiler effect' which causes many people to not vote for...

Letter: Parking woes at Strawberry Pass

How fortunate we are to have so much snow so early in the season. Rosslanders, being the avid out doors people that we are, were out in droves, cross-country skiing, touring, and snow shoeing. On Friday  we headed up to Strawberry Pass, to the Rossland Range Recreation Site, for our first turns on Lepsoe...

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