

Councillor Sue Heaton-Sherstobitoff speaks to fire chief debate

Dear Kyra: Thank you for writing a rebuttal with regard to the hiring of a second deputy fire chief and the Fire Chief as the airport manager. It certainly has ignited a lot of dialogue in our community – which is great. Almost a year ago, council debated the merits of hiring a second deputy fire chief during our budget...

Councillor Sue Heaton-Sherstobitoff speaks to fire chief debate

Dear Kyra: Thank you for writing a rebuttal with regard to the hiring of a second deputy fire chief and the Fire Chief as the airport manager. It certainly has ignited a lot of dialogue in our community – which is great. Almost a year ago, council debated the merits of hiring a second deputy fire chief during our budget...

City manager defends fire chief

I have read with interest some of the comments and letters written about the City's hiring of a second Deputy Fire Chief. I have been interested to see the comments because often times when members of our community write, they have brilliant ideas and cogent arguments that serve the community well. It is this reason that...

LETTER: Thankful for an idea for which the time has come

To the City of Castlegar, Thanks goes out to Deb McIntosh for bringing forward the idea of rainbow crosswalks downtown! Cheers to her and to the City Council for making the effort to make a symbolic gesture of tolerance and respect for diversity. Not only is it coming from a genuine place of good will, it's coming from the ...

LETTER: New Electoral Boundaries Unfair to Nelson

Dear editor, I am appalled by the decision of the Federal Election Boundaries Commission to separate Nelson from Trail and Castlegar with whom we have community, geographical and economic links. Nelson has been moved into a new riding called Kootenay Columbia which includes Cranbrook. I attended the public meeting held by the...

LETTER: Colonial-style governments to blame for government failure

Colonial rule raises its ugly head again. The failure of the US government to continue to operate is yet another example of how screwed up our colonial style governments really are: While we have democratic elections, we do not have democratic governments. Our politicians do not want democracy and arrogantly insist on forming...

LETTER: Councillor defends Pride attendance

Editor's Note: This letter is in response to a missive sent to the Castlegar News by a local resident, in which the resident condemns three city councillors for their attendance representing Castlegar at Nelson's Gay Pride event last summer: Dear Mr. Kemperman, In response to your letter, let me assure you that I represent ...

LETTER: Trail city councillor speaks to lack of Gay Pride events in city

Letter to the Editor: This week is Gay Pride Week in the Kootenays. This is a celebration of love and understanding to millions of people worldwide and, in many cases, the acknowledgment of equal rights for LGBT couples. I am afraid to say that I have been remiss in my duties as a councillor as I did not bring up the topic ...

LETTER: Casual Facebook joke not so funny after all

This is for everyone who feels a need to share this photo (the one attached to this story). As someone on assistance, this is very hurtful. I do not choose to be disabled. But it most certainly does not define me as a human being, nor does it diminish my worth. I have done thousands of hours of volunteer work and have saton...

LETTER: Winlaw fire chief speaks to disciplinary action; mass resignation

To Whom it may concern. The Winlaw Fire Department is a volunteer group that has come together to help their community in the event of an emergency. We were recently asked by the Regional Fire Chief to provide traffic control for a nonemergency community event, I refused. Disciplinary action has now being taken against me for...

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