

LETTER: Kootenay teachers want a deal, not a fight

Teachers have been forced into job action by this government for the reasons delineated in our, “Why Teachers  May Be Forced Into Job Action”,  Letter to the Editor that was published in the Rossland Telegraph, Castlegar News and Trail Times and circulated to all media outlets, DPAC, our School Board and CUPE:...

LETTER: Gilpin grasslands need protection not for quad use

It was upsetting to read the current description of the Gilpin Grasslands as a recreation area by the Grand Forks Quad Bike Club. Gilpin is an extremely important wildlife ecosystem, a point validated by three provincial governments and two land conservancies, all who have left an important footprint on Gilpin. The grassland...

LETTER: Why Teachers May Be Forced Into Job Action

Like all of you, teachers only want the best for their students. Despite bargaining for more than a year with the government there has been little progress made at the negotiating table. We have been waiting, very patiently, for the government to provide the necessary funding required for us to move forward in achieving a...

LETTER: Water Meter Extortion?

"If you don't let me put a water meter in your home, then I'm going to put one outside your home - and I'm going to charge you for it." Does a city have the authority to add additional water infrastructure like this and then charge individual residents for it? On Monday, April 8th, Grand Forks, BC residents learned a few...

LETTER: An open letter to Mayor Taylor

This open letter to Mayor Brian Taylor was submitted by Grand Forks resident Julia Butler.  Dear Mayor Taylor At the council meeting on March 10, I presented council with a letter from Coralee Oakes, Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development stating, “I assure you that the Province of British Columbia does not...

LETTER: Clark lucky she's not in Alberta

Dear Editor: Isn't B.C. lucky Christy Clark is not like Alberta's premier?  In Alberta her caucus would have dumped her a long time ago. Christy spent five days in the legislature this year.  What does she do with the rest of her time? Wine and dine with defeated Liberal candidates with Patronage appointments? Gladys Brown ...

LETTER: Local MP decries expiration of Canada Health Accord

Dear Minister, My constituents are very concerned about the future of health care in our country.  They are asking the federal government to commit to a renewed Health Accord in 2014 and to work with the provinces and territories on health care innovation so Canadians can continue to receive the care they need. Health care ...

LETTER: Our Canada Post matters to everyone!

Dear Editor: Last night I attended an information meeting about the changes coming to Canada Post. I was very disappointed that only 31 people attended the meeting - six of those were the guest presenters - probably 10 members of the public and the rest were postal employees. Did you know that in December 2013 Canada Post...

LETTER: Reconsider leasing land agreements

Recently three prominent conservation organizations: Ducks Unlimited, Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation and the Nature Trust of B.C. were highly critical of the B.C. Liberal Government’s agenda of increasing grazing leases from 10 years to 20-25 years. The criticism was directed at range tenures that included the lands ...

LETTER: Who’s Paying Attention to the WHO?

For years many people have wondered about the effects of electric and magnetic fields (EMF) on human health. More recently, these concerns have extended to radiofrequency (RF) exposure from wireless technologies like cordless phones, cell phones, cell phone towers, GPS devices, “smart” meters, and WiFi.  In 2011, the WHO...

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