

Nobel Peace laureates call on Harper to stop tar sands expansion

Eight Nobel Peace Laureates today sent a letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper calling on him to ensure that Canada moves towards a clean energy future—and halts the expansion of the tar sands. In their letter, the Laureates—which include Archbishop Desmond Tutu (South Africa), Jody Williams (USA), President Ramos Horta...

UBCM weighs in on controversial 'Smart Meters'

Serious disagreement continues between the BC electric utility companies and thousands of private homeowners who refuse the forced installation of Wireless Smart Meters on their homes without consent. Customers want the Utilities to listen to their valid concerns before pressing ahead with this program.Questions of conflict...

John Hart negotiations 'going nowhere': First Nations

The We Wai Kai and Wei Wai Kum Nations confirmed today that negotiations concerning BC Hydro’s proposed $1.3 billion John Hart Generating Station Replacement Project are close to breaking down due to BC Hydro’s failure to table an offer in the ongoing negotiations to resolve aboriginal issues. Failure to arrive at an agreement...

Conservatives REALLY Frighten BC Liberals!

The most interesting thing about those latest radio ads by the BC Liberals is the fact they were done at all … now … more than 18 months (supposedly) before the next provincial election.  And there’s an entire website set up just to attack BC Conservative leader John Cummins!  Congratulations, John! You’ve now officially made...

ARAB WORLD: Remembering September 11 via Twitter

Twitter users from across the Arab world paid tribute to the 3,000 victims of September 11 as the world recalled the horrors committed by Al Qaeda terrorists who flew four passenger jets into buildings in the US 10 years ago.  Saudi cartoonist Malek Nejer says September 11 is a hideous crime, no matter who the perpetrators ...

Expert on GMO's coming to forum in Grand Forks

A series of forums to discuss the issues that surround genetic modification (GM) on a local and national level are being co-sponsored by Alex Atamanenko, MP for BC Southern Interior. The forums will hear from Lucy Sharratt, coordinator of the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network (CBAN), a collaborative campaign of 18 member...

MEXICO: Hero reports map acts of kindness

Heroreports is a non-profit project dedicated to crowdsourcing and mapping reports of citizen courage and positive social behavior. It started in Ciudad Juárez, México as an initiative of the MIT Center for Civic Media called “Crónicas de Héroes“, under the direction of Yesica Guerra, a researcher in urban design with a...

Postal strike continues as meetings hit impasse

Postal workers remain on a rotating strike this weekend as Canada Post rejects offer to reinstate the old collective agreement.In response to a request from Labour Minister Lisa Raitt yesterday, the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) agreed to suspend strike activity. The union’s only condition was that the terms of its...

OP/ED: The implosion of Canada's medical marijuana regulations

On April 4, 2011 in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, Justice D. J. Taliano in the case of Regina versus Mernagh handed down a decision supporting on individual’s rights to access medical marijuana.   Although the medical use of marijuana has been legal in Canada since 2001, the Marihuana Medical Access Regulations (MMAR)...

Sexual exploitation of youth can be prevented

Melissa is 15-years-old and a child of the street. She came from a stable home, middle-class, and used to do well in school. One day she found an invitation on her Facebook page to go to a LG (Little Girl) party. She was mad at her folks, and had heard that the parties were fun. Melissa went out, tried ecstasy and got drunk....

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