

LETTER: Paving regional trails still the best option

Dear Editor: After reading the letters and responses regarding the proposed paving of the Trans Canada Trail between Grand Forks and Christina Lake, I feel compelled to respond. The Grand Forks Community Trails Society and the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary partnered in this project. While there have been a large...

Farmers and eaters unite at Food Sovereignty Forum

Broken down barns and empty fields that haven't seen a crop in years left National Farmers' Union (NFU) vice president of policy, activist and farmer Colleen Ross wondering about the Boundary. "I've never been here and as I drove through I wondered about the food shed...I wonder what people are eating and where they get their...

JAPAN: Surfers, fishermen, and radiation

Journalist Lisa Katayama  and filmmaker Jason Wishnow are documenting the lives of people dealing with radiation in a post-earthquake Japan. In We Are All Radioactive, they are including 50% footage made by themselves in the areas around Fukushima Power Plant that had a meltdown after the earthquake and tsunami in March...

The economic costs of salmon farms, oil pipelines and natural gas are just as horrific as their environmental ones

Whether or not salmon farms continue operating in BC's marine waters may depend more on economic than environmental factors. Despite withering criticism concerning the ecological safety of its open net-pen operations, the salmon farming industry has doggedly continued on its corporate course. However, two unforeseen factors...

Local ED board supports teachers rights to negotiate despite Bill 22

Trustees of School District 51 Boundary Board of Education voted in favour of sending a letter to the B.C. government asking for free collective bargaining for all teachers during their regular monthly board meeting on Tuesday, Mar. 13. Although the intent may now seem mute in light of Bill 22 passing, their opinions on the...

Yves Engler to speak in the West Kootenay about Canada's peacekeeping tradition

Lone Sheep Publishing is proud to present Yves Engler, author of The Black Book of Canadian Foreign Policy and Canada and Israel: Building Apartheid. In his new book, The Truth May Hurt, Engler strips away the layers of former Canadian Prime Minister Lester Pearson’s past, exposing him as less of a Canadian peacekeeper and ...

Phoenix Ski Hill receives government grant

Phoenix Mountain Alpine Ski Society (PMASS) will be receiving at $47,000 Community Gaming Grant from the provincial government this spring. The money is welcome, but will really only dig PMASS out of last year's debt and not help with what is to come for the 2012-2013 ski season, said Don Colclough, society president. "It's...

Kettle River drops lower on endangered rivers list

The Kettle River remains high on B.C.'s endangered rivers list at number four as a remote wilderness landscape widely known as “the Sacred Headwaters”, and the Kokish River on Vancouver Island have jointly topped British Columbia’s most endangered rivers list for 2012. The Kettle has topped the list, developed by the Outdoor...

Kony video incites anger among some Ugandans

Anyone following online citizen media closely this month, would inevitably have come across the heated global debate over the Invisible Children viral campaign to stop Ugandan war criminal and rebel army leader Joseph Kony. While the Kony 2012 campaign certainly received the attention it sought, many Ugandans and Africans...

Celebrating the spark that ignites inspiration

Historically, the Boundary Women’s Coalition has celebrated International Women’s Day in Grand Forks.  This year, at the suggestion of women living in the West Boundary, International Women’s Day was celebrated at the Midway Community Hall on Thursday, Mar. 8.  The early afternoon event was well supported with more than 50 ...

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