

Ministry issues air quality warning and open burning restrictions in GF

UPDATE:  The Ministry of Environment has ended the fine particulate (PM2.5) advisory and burning restrictions for Grand Forks and surrounding areas (20 km radius from downtown). Air quality has improved because fine particulate concentrations have returned to levels below the provincial objective.    UPDATE:  The Ministry of...

Heat gets cranked at GE presentation

Doctors Thierry Vrain and Shivs Copra are making a Western Canada tour this month and stopped in at the Grand Fork’s Senior’s Centre, Dec. 5. The duo work with the Society for a GE Free BC and share their research on genetically engineered products and what the public needs to know about them. Sheila Dobie, a Grand Forks and...

MP speaks out against horse neglect in GF

EDITOR'S NOTE: Ten emaciated horses were siezed by the BC SPCA from Kevin LaFond's farm just outside of Grand Forks last week. Two of the horses were immediately destroyed. This is not the first time the SPCA has been called to this farm. I recently had a chance to see the CTV news clip explaining the SPCA intervention on...

COMMENT: Canada – not going along to get along

My colleague Paul Dewar, our Foreign Affairs critic, recently wrote an article where he talks about Canada’s pattern of disengagement and withdrawal from the international community.  Paul mentions that our Minister of Foreign Affairs, John Baird likes to say that Canada will no longer “go along to get along” in reference to...

Kettle River Q&A – Thinking outside the box

Recently we’ve been discussing how low river flows and high water use threaten fish and aquatic ecosystems in the Kettle River and tributaries. We are already considering options such as promoting water conservation, regulating water use in dry periods, and further curtailing fishing or harvesting in the river. But it turns...

GF council works on new deer feeding bylaw

Grand Forks city council gave first, second and third reading to a new deer feeding bylaw, Nov. 25. The new bylaw states that no individual can provide food to deer, either by handfeeding or leaving food out for the deer to eat. The bylaw was amended to include salt licks under the term ‘food.’ The bylaw also states that...

Giving Tuesday just a few days away

With Black Friday and Cyber Monday just around the corner, more and more Canadians are gearing up to spend.  What if there was a day each year dedicated to giving back in the midst of the holiday spending season? The first annual GivingTuesday is coming to Canada on Tuesday, December 3, the Tuesday following Black Friday and...

MAAP is officially on the map

The Multi-Agency Accommodation Project (MAAP) opened their doors on Saturday for the official grand opening. MAAP is a unique project that combines three local non-profits: Habitat for Humanity, Whispers of Hope and the Boundary Emergency and Transitional Housing Society (BETHS). The grand opening included two ribbong cutting...

COMMENT: Retirement Security

Retirement security is one of the most pressing economic issues facing Canadian families today. As many as 5.8 million Canadians - nearly a third of our work force - are facing a steep decline in their standard of living upon retirement.  For many young Canadians, the situation is even more dire. Without real action now to ...

Ferraro Foods speaks to Facebook furor over Sensible BC video

A video posted on You Tube depicting grocery-store owner Danny Ferraro directing customers away from a Sensible BC petition (to decriminilize marijuana) has created a furor on social media, with many people committing to boycott the popular Trail store (Ferraros also have a grocery in Rossland). A Trail Champion reporter was...

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