

Breastfeeding - a reason to celebrate!

If you think of the perfect food it would create zero waste, give you great nutrition, and, best of all, protect against disease. Well, breast milk is nature’s perfect baby food providing all this and even helping mothers protect themselves against disease.   On Saturday, Oct. 2 at 11:00 a.m., mothers and babies at sites...

River testing underway with students from across the Boundary

The message has been clear since the Kettle River was named the most endangered in B.C.: the Kettle River watershed needs to be monitored and evaluated. In an initiative started by the Granby Wilderness Society (GWS), the first of what they hope will be years of testing are underway.   Jenny Coleshill, a biologist and...

Hospital auxiliaries care about local health

Teamwork was the theme as more than 125 volunteers met in Nakusp last week (Sept. 17) for the 2010 Kootenay Boundary Area Conference of the BC Association of Health-Care Auxiliaries (BCAHA). The kind of teamwork that saw more than 550 auxiliary members volunteer 131,000 hours of time raising almost $500,000 last year."You can...

Common cold virus may be linked to childhood obesity

 Researchers at the University of California, San Diego have found that a common cold virus may be linked to childhood obesity.In the study of 124 children aged eight to eighteen, kids who had antibodies to adenovirus 36 (AD36) weighed on average 50 pounds more than children who didn't have the antibodies. When children have...

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