

RDKB wants to know how Electoral Area ‘A’ residents are adapting to climate change

The Columbia Basin Rural Development Institute (RDI) at Selkirk College is conducting research on behalf of the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary to help local government better understand how prepared local residents are for the impacts of climate change. Residents of RDKB Electoral Area ‘A’ are invited to complete a ...

UPDATE: Missing Castlegar woman found, safe and sound

Castlegar top cop RCMP Sgt. Monty Taylor said today that missing Castlegar woman Darilee Nolie was found, safe and sound, over the weekend in Calgary, and offered his thanks to the public for their assistance in finding her. Previous coverage: Castlegar RCMP are searching for a 57-year-old woman who ran away from the care of...

Letter: UBCIC Calls on the Government of BC to uphold Tsilhqot’in Rights and protect Teẑtan Biny and Yanah Biny

Dated:  July 29, 2019:  For over two decades the Tsilhqot’in have battled to keep Taseko Mines Ltd. (TML) from destroying Teẑtan Biny and Yanah Biny with TML’s plan to create an open pit mine on a place of profound cultural and spiritual significance. Both TML and TNG have filed injunctions in B.C. Supreme Court and are in...

Column: From the Hill -- Oil, Pipelines, Jobs and the Climate Crisis

The conversation around pipelines and oil sands in Canada has been so heated and polarized it’s difficult to sort hype from fact.  It’s often hard to have an informed conversation about the issue, let alone an informed debate. On the one side we have people who are deeply concerned about the climate emergency facing us.  It...

Fortis offers update on regional outages after electrical storm

FortisBC experienced storm-related damage to its electricity system overnight and this morning and we’re working to restore service to about 1,500 FortisBC customers in the Christina Lake and communities between Nelson, Crawford Bay and Kaslo. Our crews are committed to restoring power quickly and safely 24 hours a day in all...

B.C. employees losing the cold war over office air conditioning

A BC Hydro report finds the increased use of A/C in B.C. workplaces is leading to worker discomfort and conflict between employees and employers. The report entitled ‘Cold War: How many B.C. employees are losing the battle over office air conditioning’ finds A/C use in commercial buildings has increased by almost a third since...

One more step toward potential merger of six credit unions

Boards of Directors for Six Credit Unions in the Kootenay, Columbia Valley and Boundary Regions Agree to Proceed with Regulatory Application for Consent to Present Merger to Members. Approval of the business case for the merger is a significant milestone in the process.  The Boards of Directors for the six credit unions...

RDKB Code of Conduct for elected officials

During its June regularly scheduled board meeting, Regional District of Kootenay Boundary board members endorsed the new Responsible Conduct Guiding Principles Policy/Code of Conduct for RDKB elected officials. The document sets out clearly articulated expectations and minimum requirements related to integrity, accountability,...

UPDATE: Pavilion patient found and safely returned to care

This from the police: "Thank you for your help! Neville was safely located by Nelson City Police and taken back to the hospital." Previous coverage: Police are seeking public assistance in locating a man they fear might be a danger to himself, according to RCMP Sgt. Mike Wicentowich. "On July 14, 2019, 36-year-old Michael...

Invasive Species — Orange hawkweed now in full flower

Orange hawkweed (Hieracium aurantiacum) is a native of central and southern Europe.  It is widely grown as an ornamental in gardens and then escapes. It is often spread by recreationists, pack animals, hay and gardeners sharing with friends. It is also found as a contaminant in bird seed and wildflower seed mixes. Some native...

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