

Four-year-old found safe after 30+ hour search

George Hazard-Benoit has been found safe and sound after spending 30 plus hours in thick dense woods in the Lions Lake area in Mackenzie. George was reported missing after he became separated from his mom while she and a friend were berry picking. An extensive ground and air search commenced and numerous resources came to...

Deadline approaching for BC SPCA'S Wildlife-In-Focus Photography Contest

From brightly coloured bluebirds to intense looks from an Arctic fox, entrants are stunning us once again with their photo submissions to the BC SPCA’s Wildlife-In-Focus Photography Contest, which is open for entries until midnight Aug. 31. If you’re not snapping pictures, you can also participate by voting. This includes...

Oasis pickleball courts celebrate Grand Opening

The Oasis Recreation Committee has seen a summer wish come true. At their June grand opening they gave away free burgers, smokies and pickleball paddles with the hope that the nearly 100 people who turned up would keep on coming to the Oasis Community Park to play pickleball— one of the fastest growing sports in Canada. And...

Invasive Species — Common tansy hard to eradicate once established

Common tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) was brought here from Europe in the 1600’s.  It was brought here as an ornamental and also for medicinal purposes. It is toxic to some animals and fatal to humans if ingested in large quantities.  Because common tansy has a long history of medicinal and horticultural use it is still being...

Board Highlights from July RDKB meeting

During the July regularly scheduled board meeting, the Kootenay & Boundary Farm Advisors (KBFA) provided an overview to the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary board members — a three-year pilot program to bring back agricultural extension services in the region. The program is sponsored by the regional districts...

You’re invited to Toadfest: 10th Anniversary August 21 & 22 at Summit Lake Provincial Park

Toadfest celebrates a milestone this year – it turns 10! Toadfest 2019 is at Summit Lake Provincial Park, near Nakusp, on Wednesday Aug. 21, 2019 from 4: to 7 p.m., and Thursday, August 22, 2019 from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon. Toadfest is a free, fun, family event, coordinated by the Fish & Wildlife Compensation Program (FWCP)...

MISSING UPDATE: Police provide new photo of missing Nakusp man

Police have released a new image of missing Nakusp man Christopher Sanford, taken July 30, 2019.  "It is a true reflection of his appearance when he went missing," said RCMP Cpl. Jaime Moffat. Previous coverage: Nakusp RCMP is seeking assistance in locating Christopher Sanford, who was reported missing on August 5, according...

Happy home found for 5,000 Brilliant bees

Story by Jas Baweja Staff were buzzing with energy early July when they walked in to work to find bunches of bees gathered on the grounds at Brilliant Dam, a power generation facility owned by Columbia Power Corporation and Columbia Basin Trust, and operated by FortisBC.  While the bees were minding their own business,...

Four Federal Candidates Ready to Debate

By way of a press release, Conservative Party candidate Helena Konanz issued a challenge to all the other candidates in our riding to participate in a comprehensive set of debates that span the entire riding in the lead up to the election this fall. Green Party candidate Tara Howse was quick to accept the challenge, as were ...

City snuffs out variance permit for non-medical cannabis store

The city slammed the door on another non-medical cannabis retail licence application for Grand Forks, denying a development variance deemed for Donaldson Drive in the old Greyhound Bus depot. City council narrowly voted against approving the development variance permit application recently to reduce — from 100 metres to 36 ...

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