

Column: Our biodiversity crisis -- connecting the dots

The polar bear has become the poster child for climate change impacts in the Arctic. Sea ice, which the bears depend on for hunting, is melting at an ever-expanding rate. For other species, climate impacts are not as direct. The 2019 State of Canada’s Birds report found aerial insectivores like swifts, swallows and nightjars...

New limit on maximum rent increases for 2020 in BC

British Columbia’s annual allowable rent increase for 2020 has been set at 2.6%, the province’s annual rate of inflation — 2% lower than it would have been prior to the reduction government made in 2019. “Renters need secure housing they can afford,” said Selina Robinson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. “That’s why...

Energy Specialist Targets Carbon Emissions in the RDKB

The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary has hired a new Senior Energy Specialist. Freya Phillips hails from Rossland via the United Kingdom and Australia and arrived at the RDKB Trail office on August 12. In a scant few weeks, she has established relationships with other local government energy specialists in the Central...

New e-bike policy for BC Parks

Know your bike and where you’re permitted to ride it in BC Parks. In response to the growing popularity of electric bikes, BC Parks is implementing an e-bike policy to help protect sensitive wildlife, ecosystems and cultural values. Following the e-bikes classification system already being used by industry and other government...

Editorial: It’s back-to-school time. Drive much?

It’s time to reflect on our driving habits, and on the facts cited below – especially for the safety of everyone’s children.  According to the  Canadian Paediatric Society, motor vehicle incidents are the leading cause of unintentional injury and death in Canada for children from 1 year old to 19 years old. The  BC Injury...

BC SPCA shelters overwhelmed with cats and kittens needing homes

It may be the dogs days of summer, but it’s cats and kittens who are urgently needing homes, according to the BC SPCA. “This is always a busy time for our shelters, but this summer we are especially overwhelmed with incoming cats and kittens,” says Lorie Chortyk, spokesperson for the BC SPCA. “In addition to the usual ‘kitten...

A letter to Canada’s Chief Electoral Officer from 352 scientists

Hundreds of Canadian scientists sent a letter this morning (August 22, 2019) to Stéphane Perrault, the Chief Electoral Officer, urging Elections Canada to clarify how the science on climate change can be communicated during the election period.  The 352 Canadian scientists who signed the letter take issue with Elections...

Local candidate responds to Ethics Commissioner's findings on SNC-Lavalin

"Focus on the systems!" The Ethics Commissioner has released findings from the investigation into the SNC-Lavalin affair, and has found the conduct of the Prime Minister to be in violation of the Conflict of Interest Act. Green Party Candidate Tara Howse acknowledges that the SNC-Lavalin affair was a catalyst for her entering...

Column: From the Hill -- Health Care, and Ride the Riding 2019

As I knock on doors across the south Okanagan and West Kootenay, one issue is a common topic of conversation—health care.  Canadians are rightfully proud of our public health care system, and the NDP is proud that it was Tommy Douglas who fought for the free, universal program that we enjoy. It is not perfect, but...

Robson VFD to Host 6th Annual Firefighter Games to Raise Funds for Muscular Dystrophy Canada

 Join Robson Fire Fighters on and Aug. 31 and Sept. 1 as they host the fifth annual Firefighter Games in support of Muscular Dystrophy Canada. Be sure to attend this FREE family friendly event that will kick off with opening ceremonies at 11a.m Saturday at the Pass Creek Regional Exhibition Grounds! To show their support for...

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