

Fatality at Fernie Ski Hill prompts investigation

The RCMP and the BC Coroners Service are investigating the sudden death of a skier, discovered in medical distress late Friday afternoon outside of Fernie B.C. On January 17, 2020 just after 4:30 p.m., Elk Valley RCMP received a report of a skier discovered unresponsive in the snow amongst trees located on the Fernie Ski Hill....

Former BC Gov was warned about criminal activity in casinos

An explosive Global News investigative report today says that the RCMP warned the former BC Liberal government about serious criminal activity infecting the province’s gaming sector. Former Crown prosecutor Sandy Garossino said the RCMP report “shreds the credibility” of former Solicitor General Rich Coleman’s explanation for...

Do you know about the Snow Host program?

Rosy cheeks, toasting sandwiches by a crackling woodstove, snow-covered trees … and visiting with everyone else who has arrived under their own power.  The Rossland Range Recreation Site with its trails, snow routes, and collection of little day-use shelters has become very popular with skiers on various types of skis,...

MVI near Hope Tuesday claims one life

One man was killed and another sent to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries after a collision near Hope Tuesday, according to RCMPCpl. Mike Halskov. "On Jan. 6, at approximately 2:40 p.m., police and emergency services responded to a collision on Highway 1 approximately five kilometres north of Hope, BC, near American...

OP/ED: Cautious Optimism for Provincial Wildlife Strategy

British Columbia’s hunters and anglers have long been the vanguard of wildlife conservation efforts in our province. Over the years, many of us have raised concerns about declining wildlife populations, large-scale habitat fragmentation and deterioration of true backcountry wilderness. Members of the British Columbia chapter...

RDKB says demolition underway for two homes damaged by Boundary Floods

Earlier this fall, the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Board approved a plan for demolishing two homes, one on Almond Gardens Road East and one on Danish Road in Electoral Area ‘D’/Rural Grand Forks. The properties had been ordered evacuated since May 2018 due to catastrophic flooding. During December's RDKB Board...

Op/Ed: What’s next on corporate crime and remediation agreements?

By Jennifer Quaid; originally published in The Conversation About a year ago, the SNC-Lavalin controversy introduced Canadians to a new way of settling criminal charges — remediation agreements. Added to Canadian law via a budget bill in June 2018, the system was put to the test almost immediately when SNC-Lavalin sought a ...

Rossland Teen is handpicked for Junior team by Core Kites Canada

16 year old Tayne Steven is a super motivated grade 11 student at Seven Summits Centre for Learning in Rossland BC, the site of the world’s first Kitefoiling academy.  After celebrating his first podium finish at Kiteclash competition in Squamish last year, his raw talent, huge likeability factor and genuine enthusiasm for ...

COLUMN: From the Hill -- Canada's new Parliament, so far

It’s a new year, a new decade, and a time to look forward. The new parliament sat for two weeks in early December, time enough to get an indication how the government intends to move forward.  Most Canadians want the government to work collaboratively with other parties to tackle the issues of our time, and the NDP is very ...

2020 Property Tax Assessments are in the mail

In the next few days, owners of more than 147,500 properties throughout the Kootenay Columbia region can expect to receive their 2020 assessment notices, which reflect market value as of July 1, 2019. "The majority of Kootenay Columbia home-owners can expect an increase when compared to last year’s assessments," says Deputy...

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