

Self isolation provides time for yard work, seeding, gardening

The Boundary Invasive Species Society has a new office. The new office is in the Riverside Centre in Rock Creek.   However, due to Covid-19 our office is currently closed to the public, but we will let you know when this changes.  You can still contact us with questions.  We would like to especially acknowledge and thank the...

Enhancing infection prevention, control in seniors' care homes

As part of British Columbia’s emergency novel coronavirus (COVID-19) response plan, the Province is partnering with the BC Care Providers Association (BCCPA) to launch EquipCare BC to help seniors in long-term care and assisted living homes. EquipCare BC is a new program that will provide $10 million to enhance infection...

Boundary Region COVID-19 pandemic Update

Local politicians in the Boundary Region came together on YouTube to keep the public up to date during the COVID-19 pandemic. Grand Forks Mayor Brian Taylor and Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Director Roley Russell were joined by Community Futures Boundary General Manager Jennifer Wetmore and Boundary Regional Chamber...

$3 mill for food banks, additional $300/mo for disability or income assistance

To ensure B.C.’s most vulnerable – including people on income or disability assistance and low-income seniors – do not encounter additional barriers during the COVID-19 crisis, the Province is implementing a series of temporary supports and supplements. “We are putting in place measures that complement the federal crisis...

Premier’s task force to support B.C. economy during, after COVID-19

A new Economic Recovery Task Force will bring together leaders from business, labour, First Nations and not-for-profits to help ensure the Province’s economic response to COVID-19 is effective and responsive to the needs of British Columbians. “COVID-19 is not only a public-health challenge, but also an economic one. People...

New guidelines support compliance with provincial health officer's orders

The provincial health officer (PHO) has issued new guidelines to support compliance with orders on business closures and gatherings, under the Public Health Act. The new guidelines for municipal bylaw officers and other compliance officers give clear instruction on warnings, public education and fines – and what can be issued...

BCGEU: Poll says strong majority want government to halt rent, mortgage, and utility payments during COVID-19 crisis

  The results demonstrate people support new measures to protect them financially: 69 per cent of Canadians expect to lose some income due to the COVID-19 outbreak 72 per cent of Canadians think the Government of Canada should halt all rent, mortgage, and utility payments. 64 per cent think that banks and financial institutions...

Boundary Region COVID-10 Update

Political representatives from the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary and City of Grand  Forks recorded an update during the COVID-19 pandemic for the citizens of the Boundary region. Tuesday, Grand Forks Mayor Brian Taylor and Director Roly Russell were joined on the YouTube video by guests Diane Langman, RDKB Chair, and...

BREAKING: Province extends state of emergency to support COVID-19 response

  The B.C. government has formally extended the provincial state of emergency to support the provincewide response to the COVID-19 pandemic, through the end of the day on April 14, 2020. “The next 14 days are critically important in our province’s unprecedented fight against COVID-19. What we do today will affect what our...

Report: Some COVID-19 patients remain infectious for several days after symptoms are gone

Information from a study of COVID-19 patients with mild cases, treated at the PLA General Hospital in Beijing, indicates that people should stay in isolation for a further two weeks after their last symptoms have disappeared. Dr. Lokesh Sharma of the Yale School of Medicine was a co-lead author of the report.  He commented,...

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