

Column: The importance of native bees

For many people “bees” means “honeybees” — the prolific insects that flit from flower to flower, collecting nectar and pollen to take back to their hives. They’re important agricultural pollinators and produce honey and wax that humans gather and use. Their utility to people has heightened fears about “colony collapse disorder,” in which various suspected […]

Op/Ed: B.C. bargaining away public access to backcountry

Secret negotiations curtail outdoor recreation Province ignores its own wildlife data Government ignored 98.9 per cent opposition Hunters are being used as bargaining chips Public consultation and management reviews were promised, but never came Every new iteration of the Hunting and Trapping Regulations erodes public access to outdoor recreation, while the government hides its true […]

Tips, tricks on avoiding ticks and safe removal — Interior Health

Spring is here and the warmer weather means more people will be out hiking in tall grass or wooded areas. This can also mean an increased chance of getting tick bites. Ticks are small bugs that bite and feed on the blood of humans and animals and can sometimes transmit disease. Fortunately, there are precautions […]

Selkirk College Valedictorians Epitomize Spirit of Accomplishment

Carrying forward the power of community nurtured at Selkirk College into the broader world is the ambition of the Class of 2024 co-valedictorians. Convocation 2024 takes place at the Castlegar Campus on May 30 with two different ceremonies that celebrate the graduating class. Contemporary Music & Technology Program graduate Jay Porteous and Recreation, Fish & […]

Province advises public to 'Be FireSmart' safe this long weekend

Residents and long-weekend travellers are asked to plan ahead, be FireSmart and stay safe this Victoria Day long weekend. Wildfires near Fort Nelson and the Fort Nelson First Nation resulted in early season evacuation orders and alerts for several northeastern communities in the region. Visitors should avoid the Fort Nelson area at this time. Highway […]

FROM THE HILL: MP speaks to Canada Disability Act

When the House of Commons passed the Canada Disability Act almost a year ago, my colleagues and I were initially buoyed at this long-overdue action to lift people living with a disability out of poverty once and for all. Like many government announcements, details were slim, and we knew we’d have to fight hard alongside […]

$327,111 in grants to support crime prevention projects in the Kootenays

New Democrat MLAS Brittny Anderson and Katrine Conroy say that people in the Kootenays will benefit from projects that will advance public safety, help prevent violence, and promote healing. “By helping more people to recover and heal from trauma and abuse, we can help put a stop to the cycle of violence in families and […]

Column: The many uses and advantages of hemp

Overall, whether it’s used for fabrics, bioplastics, fuels, paper products or building materials, hemp has many advantages and few disadvantages. Hemp has been promoted as a solution to a wide range of environmental issues — as an alternative to petroleum-based plastics, resource-depleting cotton, polluting fossil fuels, energy-intensive building materials, forest-destroying paper products and more. It’s […]

Creston RCMP conduct third drug related search warrant at the same residence

Crestone RCMP executed a third search warrant and the same residence for related reasons today, May 14. The subject residence had two previous search warrants conducted on it. Find the last two media releases here: RCMP in British Columbia – Creston RCMP seize drugs during search warrant (rcmp-grc.gc.ca) RCMP in British Columbia – Creston RCMP […]

COLUMN: Human nature and the soul

“And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”  Genesis, II, v. 7 [King James Bible, 1611] This quotation has been translated into English from ancient Hebrew with notable variations for the last word: soul; being; creature; […]

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