

April snowpack lower than March, but still above normal — RDKB

In a media release, the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary said the snow basin index or the amount of snow in the mountains is 122 per cent of normal in the Boundary and 118 per cent of normal in the West Kootenay. The RDKB said this is a reduction in the Boundary of 12 per cent since March 1 and four per cent in the West...

Applications open for temporary rental supplement

Renters who are experiencing a loss of income during the COVID-19 pandemic can now apply for the Province’s new temporary rental supplement. “This crisis is putting pressure on people across B.C. We’re helping British Columbians get through this by halting evictions so renters will not lose their home. We’re helping them pay...

April snowpack lower than March, but still above normal in RDKB

The snow basin index or the amount of snow in the mountains is 122 per cent of normal in the Boundary, a reduction of 12 per cent since March 1, and 118 per cent of normal in the West Kootenay, a reduction of four per cent.   “We are in a good weather trend right now with cooler nights and warm days, and if this keeps up for...

Local face shield production expanded

Austin Innovation is scaling the production of medical face shields from their lab in Trail, BC as a stopgap measure to meet the demand for COVID-19-specific personal protective equipment (PPE). The new entity, located in the lower level of Austin Engineering, is part of the collaborative team manufacturing PPE for the medical...

Boundary Region COVID-19 Update

As the world continues to deal with the Coronavirus COVID-19, communities around the globe deal with their own issues. Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Director Roley Russell has teamed up with City of Grand Forks Mayor Brian Taylor to keep citizens of the Boundary region up to date with vital information regarding the...

New spaces secured for vulnerable people to self-isolate

To support British Columbians who need a place to self-isolate and to reduce the spread of COVID-19, the Province is partnering with local governments, non-profits and the hotel industry. So far, more than 900 spaces have been secured at 23 sites including hotels, motels and community centres throughout B.C. “These new spaces...

FortisBC introduces new financial support for customers

Today, FortisBC received interim approval from the BC Utilities Commission to implement its COVID-19 Customer Recovery Fund, a program that provides new support measures for residential and small business customers who are facing financial challenges as a result of the COVID-19 public health emergency. The Fund will be available...

Selkirk College Launches Emergency Fundraising Campaign to Assist Students

To address the financial challenges facing post-secondary students due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Selkirk College Foundation is appealing for help with those struggling the most. The COVID-19 Student Relief Fund will provide immediate financial support to students who are facing serious financial challenges as they complete...

Early prohibition of fires, fireworks throughout BC: UPDATED

In addition to the earlier announcement of an early burning ban across the province to begin on April 16, the province has issued open burning restrictions for all High Smoke Sensitivity Zones across the province until Wednesday, April 15, 2020. These restrictions are directly in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the...

RDKB says: Please don't travel to secondary homes or cabins in the RDKB

Many residents from BC and other provinces own cabins or secondary homes in the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary, including at Christina Lake, Big White and other tourist destinations in our region. The regional district has a simple message for anyone contemplating visiting or staying at a secondary home or cabin in ...

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