

COLUMN: From the Hill -- Greener Hydrogen?

My role as Natural Resources critic for the NDP covers forestry, mining and energy—and the big issue these days in that trio is energy.  The pandemic has intensified calls for a national energy strategy that will direct federal investments to help us recover from the economic impacts of the crisis and put us on a good footing...

B.C. families get additional $450 with boosted climate action tax credit

Starting this week, more than 80 per cent of families and individuals in British Columbia will automatically receive an enhanced climate action tax credit. “Many British Columbians are still worried about how they can cover costs such as transportation so they can return to work, pay for groceries and find day camps for their...

RDKB lowers flags in honour of Ed Conroy

The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary has lowered flags to half-mast at its Trail and Grand Forks offices to honour Ed Conroy who died Friday, June 26. He served as the MLA for Rossland-Trail from 1991 to 2001.  “On behalf of the RDKB Board of Directors I want to express our condolences to Katrine Conroy, our provincial...

Local pro climbers raise awareness of racism and violence

Bouldering, a popular form of rock climbing, is trending in the West Kootenays like never before, partly thanks to the release of the area’s first Bouldering Guidebook. Rossland-born and raised filmmaker Liam Barnes films Nelson rock climbers Tosh and Tula Sherkat as they navigate the area’s biggest and most difficult climbs,...

Former BC minister and MLA Ed Conroy passes away at 73

 Former BC Minister and Kootenay MLA Ed Conroy passed away Friday at the age of 73 of natural causes. "It is with a heavy heart we learned of the passing of our dear friend Ed Conroy, " said New Democrat BC Government Caucus Chair Jagrup Brar. "Ed gave so much to the province of British Columbia, and did so with kindness at...

Devoted cops pedal on - 2020 Cops for Kids Ride proceeds under a different format

Like many other organizations, Cops for Kids is facing the reality that large group fundraising events aren’t allowed under social distancing restrictions; but this group of dedicated cops aren’t willing to throw in the towel because the need for funds still exists. The charitable organization will not have their...

Column: From the Hill -- Wealth gap a drag on the economy

Imagine a country where the top one percent of the population owned one quarter of all the wealth and the bottom 40 per cent together owned only one per cent.  Sounds outrageous?  That country is Canada. The source of those figures is the latest report of the Parliamentary Budget Officer.  The disparity between the super-wealthy...

Flood risk now low in the Boundary Country

The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary said in a media release Friday, the risk of flooding has abated and will continue in a downward trend over the coming weeks. The RDKB Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) advises residents they can remove sandbags around homes or businesses. The EOC will not collect sandbags, and instead...

Active Peace Valley landslide renews questions about slope stability and BC government secrecy

By Sarah Cox, for The Narwhal For the second time in 20 months, residents of Old Fort are dealing with a large landslide that has cut off road access to the community, prompting calls for more transparency from the provincial government which continues to investigate a 2018 landslide in the same location. As an active new...

Kaslo SAR praises regional cooperation after fatal motorcycle crash

Kaslo Search and Rescue managers, Robyn and Glen Skobalski, were in charge of a search for a missing woman following a single vehicle accident with a motorcycle that went off the road on June 21 and into the Kaslo River. One of the motorcycle occupants was able to get himself out of the river and get help. His female partner...

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